
star wars the gold republic credits housing many concentrated in the marriage room - VTP

129742915566093750_375Tianjin North network: first half of February month, Tianjin second-hand house trading activity increased, according to the market research center feedback I love my home, recent chain store customer advisory and about earlier, is more than 30% of growth, second-hand House transaction Agency over the November level in the same period last year. I love my home Guo yan told reporters that the active major secondary housing market in the near futureCome from the rigid requirements of stages do, both sides trading psychology resulting in a low selling price of small and medium sized houses. Low price just need to enter the market on the full owners of small and medium sized houses in good faith opportunity ¶þôâ half a month, within the main second-hand House transaction for six in the city area of 80 square meters price of 800,000 follows one or two, more than 70% per cent of total transactions. Low price small apartment sold for weeksSignificantly reduced, about 20% contract for purchase of about less than 3rd contract is complete. After the secondary housing market performance and psychological changes of macro-control industry caused by the two sides last year, has a direct relationship. On one hand, last year "restriction", "limit loan" macro-control policies have played a "cool" positive effect, second-hand house prices entered a period of stability;Low-priced buyers demand, housing many concentrated in the marriage room, resettlement, district purchases, and so on, such demands more urgent, and the concentration of the beginning of the year the market reflects their willingness to trade. The other hand, rapid cooling property market last year, expectations for second-hand owners also have changed. The wait-and-see mood in the market as a whole, makes the list owner housing stock rareEven out of the room, some owners, including the low price small and medium sized houses, years after the first series, see people, will take a more positive attitude in the face of, prices of second-hand House transaction, payment and tengfang on the specific details of the time, with varying degrees of catering to further grasp the transactions. Price of houses per cent increase in security needs into differentStocks market very different from the reaction between second-hand House transaction process, originally belonging to the non-ordinary residential houses, after per cent increase in prices age of conan gold, are likely to be classified as ordinary housing, are expected to reduce their total deed tax and business tax and other related taxes and fees at more than 50%. Home prices rise, City real estate market is based on the measurement of dynamic change form, makes the city IIHand over 70% classified as a normal domestic stock houses, to a certain extent, protection after centralized market demand. HotSpot region from recent market transactions, in between plates of ordinary residence and non-residence, very different from the trading fever. On one hand, sold in each of the six districts of the city houses central region into absolute main, King series of field, such as Hebei district Hedong District, ZhongshanDoors, HongQiao district t sell ya road, Nankai district, and, more than 90% per cent of total transactions; on the other hand, non-ordinary housing high price of houses within the region, Hexi District of meijiang, transaction value of Olympic sports, old Nan Kai district, Chengxiang district is still low, housing needs are affected by the policy is difficult to set free. Ordinary adjustment of housing prices, in line with current macro-control "bootDemand for housing is reasonable "principles warhammer gold, while the protection required, does not give opportunity to the investment of speculative demand, thus, conducive to the healthy and stable development of the local property market. Market heat hard to continue recent second-hand market warmed up too early rise in turnover mainly comes from the phased release of low-price demand, its amount is not small star wars the gold republic credits, and such hanging housesNot much. Along with "purchase" and "differential credits" policy and without any relaxation of the signal, higher-end improvements in demand to scale volume and concentration into the stock market and, therefore, does not appear second-hand volumes rising fast, more difficult to cause second-hand house prices on sharp direct. On this basis, wait-and-see atmosphere of the property market still exist, new House after years of "price marketing"Does not start, message says "first purchase houses will return to lending rate" is still not implemented, integrated analysis, supporting market conditions for rapid volume does not already have in the short term, recovery of the property market too early. Expected demand will dominate the market in the region, price, and so a new round of consolidation. (Reporter Feng Dandan)

