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129773162589843750_16Online game gold boom market scale increase last year of 30% As of last week, all listed online gaming company in China in 2011 have been released, Tencent and NetEase, the big three of the online gaming industry a strong pattern has not changed. According to the data of the Ministry of culture, China's online games market in 2010 is $ 32.6 billion, $ per cent in 2011, market size and growth for $ 10.25 billion, an increase of Super-30%. What attracts a large number of mutualNetworking companies involved in the online gaming world? What crazy gold power online games industry? Internet companies scrambling to dabble in online games at present, Chinese Internet in the United States, China, Hong Kong, and nearly 40 listed companies a share gem, with online games for business or a considerable proportion of the company in the online gaming business after its 18, half share. Business growth and stability,Adequate gold reserves in the company, in addition to Baidu, Sina, Phoenix, Dragon, art, qianchengwuyou, plus a very small number of companies, such as foreign, and all the other companies are listed in the results online gaming revenue. These companies, in addition to the games as the main or only business outside of the company, NetEase, Sohu, Tencent, positioning itself as a portal or platform companies, their total online gaming revenues have breakthroughShare of revenues by more than half, NetEase's online gaming revenue in percentage of total revenues reached more than 90%. Some notable companies listed last year swtor credits, online gaming business will gain an increasing proportion. For example, the main network of qihoo 360 Security and Web site navigation, its net gaming revenues total revenues in the fourth quarter of last year had more than one-fourth. Qihoo 360Hongwei Zhou, Chairman at the beginning of the listing that is forecast to Web game joint operations-oriented Internet value-added services, with great might in the future beyond the advertising business. Main social networks renren, their online revenues more than total income in the fourth quarter of the game one-third. Market share to the giant set even though some online gaming revenue was not explicitly included in the earnings of the company, also through variousTry to run games. Self positioning in the portal site fenghuangwang, in its own building Web game platform "play" which jointly operate a variety of Web game. Fenghuangwang 2011 fourth-quarter results, does not specifically list the Web game revenue, only listed on the mobile Internet and value-added services revenues of $ 119 million. Portal advertising business in chargeEnter the first part of Sina, in folds of radix morindae officinalis on agents and developed after the online game client class, also turned their attention to Web game, its games platform known as "play", Sina, create a "Championship basketball Manager" Web page on which the game operations. SINA reports, Web gaming revenues have not been reflected. The same platform there are Baidu operating Web game "Baidu games "platform. Involved in the Web game research and development operations in the earlier 51WAN, founder and President, Liu y, with giants such as Tencent, Baidu tera power leveling, 360, and Web game not only in this area is not "blue sea" and is "fire". Even in the midst of the fire, China's online game still showed the degree of industrial concentration and increase, the greaterTrend. According to the 2009 Ministry of culture published that year of the white paper on China's online gaming market, when the top 12 online games market size enterprises accounted for 87% of the entire market share. That by the year 2011, the top six giants of, its total revenue of $ 35.3 billion, 82% of total market size has been reached; and Tencent and NetEase, Shanda ranked among the top threeGiant, market share and reach 64.64%. Gaming industry business model simple Grand legends of successful operations of the company in 2002, officially ushered in networked games in China after the industry forms, which in addition to individual years in the market in a few years ago, its market has been growing to 60% increases significantly each year. Earlier such as Sohu, NetEase, TencentSP services for the mobile operators profitable websites, through to enter the online gaming industry, has succeeded in achieving high profit growth. A veteran VC analysis said, legitimate revenue model is not on the Internet, including the advertising revenue model to corporate money, money to the user model of e-commerce, as well as the same network game and requires the user to pay value-added serviceService mode. Advertising profit-in fact, the media mode, you need to put a lot of labor cost in content-building, while facing uncertain factors such as a strict regulatory environment; e-commerce is the main mode of Internet industry profits abroad, but in China due to weak infrastructure, credit chain under the line has not been fully established, as well as manufacturers cannot quickly converted from export to domestic demand modeAnd other reasons, requires a large number of non-industrial chain through the technical costs. Only online game, Shanda founder Chen Tianqiao, proved "with Telecom operators, investment in servers, through point card distribution channels and customer service" after running industry law, becoming "almost simply only need to invest money and technology to set up industries." Due to fixed users monthly consumptionAmount, plus hardware and broadband costs continue to decline, a number of profit and loss balance online game online require from 20,000 men in his early years, dropped to 5,000 people. At the same time, in economics, in the so-called "Lipstick effect", that is, a recession, people will compress spending, but the resulting "extra money" may make some cheap non-essential consumer goods salesIncreased by, such as the 30 's of the last century United States lipstick sales increased under the economic depression. Lipstick effect cover most areas are usually in the areas of entertainment, such as the birth of the film industry are often in a recession works. The analysis of VCs who said, in the new economy, online gaming is the most obvious beneficiaries of this effect. Because most of the time long charge online game, its expenditure canExpected, and less expensive, you can also meet consumer needs such as access to entertainment, social networking. Web game as new figures released from the battlefield according to iResearch, third quarter of 2008, when the global economic crisis is the most serious of China online gaming operators ' revenue total has increased by 50%. NetEase spokesman Jasmine Liang said at the time: "When the economic downturn of the time, you may find spending $ 100 or 200 dollars to eat a meal, or watching a movie is a bit expensive, but dozens of dollars spent per month to play games may not make you feel. "After the influx of hot money, online gaming companies sprouted, entire industries in 2010, to a brief stagnation, Analysys data show that, when certainQuarters there is even a market growth to a halt. In 2007, the annual growth rate up to 68.3% in the online gaming industry, and that by the year 2010, industry growth at first fell to 21.5%. Media industry analysis, China's Internet population growth has slowed, while generation y get married, living large, online gaming population affected by thisWill also appear phenomena of reduced. The second half of 2009, Web game this new format was well known in the industry tera gold, stealing food, parking, and other small game success and was seen by market charm of social games, Tencent and 360, giants such as Baidu has entered the Web games battlefield, the online games market size in again after a short stagnation with growth. Hong Kong Investment Bank future assets from 20Findings released in December 11, run by the amazing Tiger 360 pages of games, user average monthly amount to be paid up to $ 380. This figure is much higher than ordinary time long charge game dozens of, hundreds of dollars per month in revenue per user. Government subsidies shrink last year many of the online games company employees had said in an interview, "views on the online games industry in the communitySo negative. " The reality is, as a kind of Internet business, online gaming enterprises from government level has received a lot of support and attention. In 2010, the online gaming companies first to receive government subsidies in the form of results, analysis is openly. In 2011, most of the amount of the subsidies received by the company have different degrees of decline. Company annual reports show that Shanda games 2011 first, Government subsidies for fiscal second quarter revenue to $ 33.2 million and $ 10.4 million, respectively, and three or four quarters of earnings is not reflected in government subsidies. In this way, 2011 Grand received $ 43.6 million government subsidy for the whole year, compared with $ 232 million in 2010 have decreased substantially. Another online gaming giant 2011 large government subsidies receivedIn a total of $ 47.7 million, representing $ 57.4 million per cent in 2009 and 2010, has taken a declining trend. With these two companies located in Shanghai, according to annual report Tencent is headquartered in Shenzhen, last year the company received government subsidies of $ 101 million, $ 96.537 million compared to slightly higher, but its annual report no mentionAnd how much of a subsidy system for online games business issue. Said one online middle-level, ways of online gaming companies receive government subsidies, usually in accordance with the culture industry support fund or project applications corresponds to the high-tech industrial rebate concession, for example, Tang had control of the travel network, their only income in the first half of last year for $ 20 million in local government subsidy. GiantNetwork clearly said in the earnings, $ 10 million in the first quarter of 2011, get government subsidies, municipal government return tax; perfect world revealed, $ 6 million in its fiscal 2011 first quarter gain Government subsidies, tax refund income enjoy local benefits. Perfect CFO in the world Liu Yongji has stated at the analyst meeting, "we introduce eachGame when subsidies from the Government, and the General cases will also be the appropriate subsidy. " Green company was awarded $ 15.5 million in subsidies, special Department of the local Government's high-tech industry development and online game project funds. In addition, when after the successful IPO of the company, will also have local government financial incentives. "Subsidies cannot be predicted" now online gaming companyMore and more, at the same time around the publishing, television, animation, and other cultural industries are also eligible to apply for support funds, online gaming companies receive government subsidies are not "naturally" income. Shanda CEO Tan Qunzhao also said on a conference call, "monthly allocation of specific lines of government subsidy cannot be predicted". Journalist access to online gaming companies in Beijing registered the more concentrated Zhongguancun ShijingshanPreferential policies of the Park and found it for scale enterprises within the zone, new enterprises and cultural creative enterprises, provides office space concessionary and preferential tax return. As the games area of the second, NetEase CEO Ding Lei has made clear to reporters, registered in Guangzhou NetEase does not get government subsidies, he won't because this is to consider the company moved to the subsidy policyBetter Shanghai: "I think those are not core competencies". Subsidies of listed companies are not online gaming company patents. Chinese Institute of certified public accountants Association 2010 annual audit letters displayed, in 1570 the disclosure in annual reports of listed companies, 1454 companies receive government subsidies, than at 92.61% involved the total amount up to $ 46.34 billion,Average companies was $ 31.8709 million. In the 1454 companies enjoy returning to Government taxes and fees and waiver of 514, amounting to 7.932 billion dollars, an average of $ 15.4303 million per family. Extends online gaming effects more than entertainment-rich online gaming enterprises such as Ma Regal one hurun's "entertainment rich list" top five online gaming enterprises in ChinaWhen a high profit growth, building rich effects in this area of Internet companies also are more obvious. Rupert hoogewerf have launched starting in 2010 "entertainment rich list", involving sectors such as entertainment, movies, online games, 2010, annual list of the top five are the online games business tycoons. On the list of top five company covers two (last September), MA, dMark Bray, retains Championship, the former in the 2011 worth $ 24.7 billion, Ding Lei, worth 15 billion that year, and Zhang Zhidong (Tencent co-founder), Shi Yuzhu and Chen Tianqiao, separated three or SI��Wuming. Many Regal Entertainment can match, for example, huayi brothers Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei brothers, Phoenix satellite television Liu Changle, who is not into the top five. Hurun report did not disclose hisMaking entertainment list of standards, however, because disclosure of listed companies, China Online Volvo's net worth is not in grey areas. Ding Lei, as an example, he holds a NetEase approximately 45% shares of listed companies, the company is currently only at 49.3 billion yuan, of which about 90% 's revenue comes from online games, which multiplies, Ding Lei can be drawn from the wealth of online gaming is about for 19.9 billionYuan. Can be seen in a similar algorithm, Zhang Zhidong, Tencent co-founder holds 3.76% shares of the company, its market value was 331.1 billion yuan, 2012 as percentage of the revenues from online games 55%, Zhang Zhidong worth 6.847 billion yuan from the games. In hurun list, because the entire Internet value-added services (apart from online games also include QQSpace, such as QQ show business) are counted as entertainment revenues, therefore worth more than simple online games worth of Zhang Zhidong. Ma Li, and not cold while online games to online games become the main income of listed companies on the Internet in China, but in the three largest companies "three giant bats BAT", on behalf of a company is not involved in network games. Alibaba founder Jack MaSaid, "won't take a penny online games", because his son was obsessed with online games, then your resignation Alibaba do full-time housewife helps son walk away. On behalf of b Baidu has not expressed any interest in the online gaming business. Baidu CEO Robin Li has said he never play online games, don't understand games for a long time. According to Baidu internal informationRevealed that there was staff recommends that the Li tries to cash flow faster business such as online games, SMS, but he "needs to focus on search" grounds. However, Baidu in 2009 after years of subtle changes, when they try to 51WAN research and development of several web game water online gaming operation, Baidu games was subsequently erected this web game operating platform.Hurun list 1 pony for 2011 entertainment worth: $ 24.7 billion companies: Tencent: Instant Messaging, portals, online games, C2C2 Ding wealth: $ 15 billion company: NetEase: portals 3 Zhang Zhidong's wealth, online game: $ 8.7 billion companies: Tencent: Instant Messaging, portals, online games, C2C4Shi Yuzhu wealth: $ 7.8 billion company: giant industries: online game 5 Timothy Chen wealth: $ 5.6 billion company: Shanda networking industry: online gaming Others:

