
world of tanks power leveling Wong Kwun phone - NDD

129742939253125000_123Stock code: 600,066 stock abbreviation: Yutong passenger cars item no: Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Company Limited 2012-013 rights issue notice of the result of this company and the directors of the Board that this notice does not present any false record, misleading statements or significant omissions, andOn its authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the content of individual and joint and several liability. Securities license by the China Securities Regulatory Commission [approved, 2012]21, Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as "issuer" or "Yutong") to February 10, 2012 (Date of record, t-day) after the close ofTotal number of Yutong buses equity base 519 world of tanks power leveling,891,723, each 10 shares distribution ratio of 3 to February 10 wot power leveling, 2012 (t) after the closing of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in China Securities Depository and clearing company limited Shanghai Branch Yutong buses all shareholders the placing shares of registered shares. This distributionShare subscription payment online on February 17, 2012 (t-5th) end. Results announcement will be issued as follows: first, to subscribe to the rights issue amounted to placing a total of 155,967,516 shares. Host statistics by the Shanghai Stock Exchange trading system and China Securities Depository and Clearing CorporationShanghai Branch provides online subscription data validation, this rights issue public offering of subscription as follows: shareholders subscribe for the total aggregate of placing an effective number of subscribed shares (shares) 153,768,86798.59% effective total subscribed capital (RMB yuan) 2,211,196,307.46-b, release the result under the rights issue announcement, this rights issue amounted to placing a total of Yutong Bus 155,967,516Unit. This rights issue all online pricing issue, by trading on the Shanghai Securities Exchange system, by the sponsor (Underwriters) securities company limited is responsible for organization and implementation of the Central Plains. The Yutong Bus original shareholders in accordance with the price of RMB $ 14.38 per share for every 10 shares of placing of 3 involved in placing, subscription numberFoot part 1 share in accordance with the principle of exact algorithm for rounding. Issuance of final results are as follows: 1, as at the Date of record (February 10, 2012, t) closing, Yutong shareholders totaled 519,891,723 shares at end of subscription payment date (February 17, 2012, t-5Today) Yutong rights valid subscription number is 153,768,867 shares, subscription amounts to RMB 2,211,196,307.46, covers the distribution of total number of shares 155,967,516 shares 98.59% world of tanks power leveling, over the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the securities of listed companies to issue regulations concerning the "Quantity does not meet the proposed placement of the original shareholders to subscribe for shares number 70% "as failed to release restrictions, Zhengzhou Yutong and Yutong Bus Holdings shareholders group has their full subscription of shares to 51,306,608 shares, so the amount of success. 2, this release announcement posted upon, that is, with all the shareholders to subscribe for access to placing serviceGet notifications. Third, the date of the press announcement (February 21, 2012, t-7th) today to release successful ex-dividend basis (shares ex-rights date), the rights have been allocated shares listed will be announced in a notice. Four, for more details on this release, please investors consult February 8, 2012 (T-2Today),, the Shanghai Securities News the China Securities Times newspaper of the Securities and the securities daily published on the Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Company limited rights statement summaries and the Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Company limited rights issue notice investors can also go to the Shanghai Stock Exchange websiteQuery (http://www.SSE.com.CN), Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Company limited rights of the full text of the statement and related information about this issue. Five, publishers and sponsors (Underwriters) 1, the issuer: Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Company limitedOffice address: Guancheng, Zhengzhou city, Henan province universal access Yutong industrial park, the legal representative: Tang Yuxiang Board Secretary: Zhu Zhongxia securities representative: Sun Qian Tel: 0371-66718281 fax: 0371-66899123 2,Recommending people (Underwriters): Central China securities company office address: Zhengzhou zhengdong Zhongyuan GF financial building, 10th contacts of business outside the ring road: Yang Chengjiao, Shen Lu, Wong Kwun phone: 010-88088162 fax: 010-88086182Pedestrians: Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Company Limited sponsors (Underwriters): gold in central China securities company limited on February 21, 2012 online statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

