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129756542925468750_75(1181255,1181390,600697), Eurasia Group: sixth session of the Board in 2012, the first meeting of the interim resolutions of Changchun Eurasia Group at its sixth session, the Board of Directors held on March 7, 2012 2012 first interim meeting, was considered by the meeting of the company is to issue bonds to the shareholders of placing on theAnd the Bill on the banks for credit. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (122040,600638) new harbour: 2011 annual main financial indicators of basic earnings per share (RMB) 0.422 weighted average return on equity ratio (%) 7.78 net assets per share attributable to the shareholders of listed companies(Yuan) 5.381 for reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (122040,600638) new harbour: sixth meeting of Board of Directors resolutions and held the company's 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders notice of Shanghai New Huang Pu real estate company Board of Directors held on March 6, 2012 for the sixth time, for consideration byThe company's 2011 annual summary report and 2011, 2011 annual work report of the Board of the company, 2011 annual profit sharing plans and other matters. Board of Directors decided on April 20, 2012 (Fri) 9:00 held the company's 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders to consider motions and other matters related to above. For reference only,Please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,482 shares, market, news, main trading), windsurfing shares: the fourth session of the 17th session of the Board resolutions sails company limited at its fourth session, the 17th session of the Board was held on March 6, 2012, the meeting examined and adopted the 2011 annual report on the work of the Board of motions, the 2011The body of the report and summary of motions, the motion of the 2011 profit distribution plans and more. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,706 shares, market, news, main trading) ST long letter: announcement of the 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders held on Chang-an information industry (Group) company limited in 2012Month held 28th company has bolstered 11 annual general meeting of shareholders to consider for 2011 Board of Directors 2011 annual work reports, company reports wot power leveling, 2011 profit appropriation plan and other matters. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,870 shares, market, news, the major trading) ST xoceco: 2011 yearResolutions of the General Assembly of shareholders notice of Xiamen overseas Chinese electronic company limited 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders to be held on March 7, 2012, the meeting examined and adopted the 2011 Board of Trustees report wot power leveling, the annual report and its summary, the 2011 2011 Provident Fund converted into share capital distribution of profits and capital plans for such matters. For reference only, please checkRead the full text of the notice on the day. (600,722 shares, market, news, main sale) of ST Gold: sixth Hebei Jinniu Chemical Corporation in the resolutions of the sixth session of the Board at its sixth session, the sixth session of the Board was held on March 6, 2012, the meeting considered and adopted by the company in the energy group limited company of xingtai mining of Tianjin GoldenBull power materials limited liability company 54.17% equity equity motion of the Trusteeship Agreement, signed with the company and the Hebei Jinniu energy company limited in Hebei province xuyang chemical company 50% equity equity motion of the Trusteeship Agreement, signed with the company and power company limited signed 2012 2012 procurement of raw materials raw materials procurementAgreement, such as the motion of matter. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,482 shares, market, news, main trading), windsurfing shares: 2011 annual shareholders meeting notice announcements sails company limited Board of Directors decided on March 28, 2012 (Wednesday) 9:30 held the company's 2011 annual shareholders meeting, This site vote with a combination of network voting shareholders through trading on the Shanghai Securities Exchange system to exercise the right to vote, Internet voting time: March 28, 2012, from 11:30, from 13:00, review of 2011 in 2011 and the body of the report and the report on the work of the Board and pick, 2011 profit distribution plans and other matters. Network voting code: 738,482; vote short: sailing to vote. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600818,900915) shares, Middle: six 25 Board of Directors (interim meeting) company limited at its six 25 Board of Directors resolutions of Zhong Road (temporaryMeeting) held on March 5, 2012, considered the adoption of the investment to be public company stake in motion. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,522 shares, market, news, main trading) zhongtian technology: the fourth session of the 25th meeting of the Board resolutions of Jiangsu zhongtian Technology Corp fourth Board of the 20thFive meetings held on March 6, 2012, considered the adoption of the Bill on the corrections of accounting errors. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (0982144,1182173,122123,122124,126002,600500)-International: 2011 notice of result of corporate bond issuanceSinochem International (Holdings) limited 2011 corporate bond issuance had ended on March 7, 2012. 4-year end issue size of RMB 700 million Yuan, 7-year scale for final release of 1.2 billion yuan. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (1181395,600804,751979) Dr Pam: 2012 corporate bond release Dr Peng Chengdu telecommunications media group public offerings not exceeding RMB 1.4 billion corporate debt securities by China Securities Regulatory Commission license [2011]1953 approval. Issuer on bonds issued for the current period amounted to $ 1.4 billion. This bond issue-oriented online communityInvestors in public offerings and network inquiry-oriented institutional investors placing a combination of ways. Investors read the full text of the announcement. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (00553,600775) Nanjing Panda: Nanjing Panda electronics company limited has recently received interim announcement notice China electronic information industrial group limited, ChinaChild Group Ltd, Jiangsu provincial Guoxin asset management group limited, the State-owned assets supervision and Administration Commission of the people's Government of Nanjing signed on joint investment and restructuring of the supplementary agreement of Panda group and other enterprises. Jiangsu provincial people's Government, the State-owned assets supervision and Administration Commission had made the relevant reply. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600499 shares, market, news, main trading) grade electrical: 2012 first extraordinary session of the General Assembly resolutions of Guangdong electromechanical company limited in 2012 for the first time the extraordinary general meeting held on March 7, 2012, the meeting considered the adoption of the second phase of the stock option plan (draft revision) and its summary, the stock options shockReed performance appraisal of measures for the implementation of the object, the attention of the shareholders ' meeting authorized the Board to handle of the second phase of the stock option plan of the company-related matters Bill. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,459 shares, market, news, main sale) of your research Platinum: the fourth session of the 22nd session of the Board resolutions of your research Platinum sharesLimited company the fourth session of the Board of Trustees held its 22nd meeting on March 6, 2012, for consideration by the year 2011 Board of Trustees report, about the company's 2011 plans for profit distribution, the company's 2011 law matters such as full text and summary of the annual report. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,517 shares,Information, the major trading) confidence electric: resolutions of the fourth session of the 14th session of the Board and the 2011 shareholders general meeting announcement of Shanghai Electric Corporation at its fourth session, the Board of Directors of confidence held its 14th meeting on March 6, 2012, confidence electrical 2011 meeting consideration and adoption of the report of the Board, the confidence of electrical shares 2011 distribution of profits and capital reserve increase of equity plans, the confidence of the electrical matters, such as the 2011 annual report and summary. Company developed on March 30, 2012 (Fri) 9:30 AG 2011 annual shareholders general meeting, consideration of these motions and other matters. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600706 shares, market, news, the major trading) ST Letter: 2011 annual main financial indicators of basic earnings per share (USD)-0.251 net assets per share attributable to the shareholders of listed companies (Yuan)-0.97 is for reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on the same day. (600,603 shares, market, news, main trading) *STSociete Generale: major progress in asset restructuring announcements from Shanghai Industrial energy holding company stock as of the date of suspension, the holding group company, continents related parties, as well as the relevant intermediary has done a lot of work, actively pushing the major reorganization of assets related to the work. Company's Board of Directors held a meeting after the work is completed, consideration of the major fundingReorganization of the relevant motion. Under these provisions, the company's stock will continue to be suspended. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,459 shares, prices, information, focussing on the sale) of your research Platinum: the fourth session of the 23rd session of the Board resolutions of your research Platinum company limited at its fourth session, the 23rd session of the Board in March 20126th, for consideration by the company rights issue plan of the programme, the feasibility report on rights issue to raise capital for the company this time using plans, the Convention on the rights of the former company's undistributed profits of the plan for the disposal of accumulated matter. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,517 shares, market, news, main trading) confidenceGas: 2011 annual main financial indicators of basic earnings per share (RMB) 0.27 weighted average return on equity ratio (%) 12.93 attributable to the shareholders of listed company's net assets per share (RMB) 1.98 is for reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,459 shares, market, news, main sale) of your research Platinum:2011 shareholders general meeting notice of your research Platinum its Board proposed 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders held on March 28, 2012, review of the 2011 Board of Trustees report, the Bill on the 2011 annual distribution of profits, the company's 2011 law matters such as full text and summary of the annual report. OnlyFor reference, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (122117,600033) in Fujian high speed: 2011 corporate bond coupon rate inquiry bookkeeping results under under networks to institutional investors, through development of Fujian Expressway Company Limited (Publisher) and sponsors (Underwriters) consensus, finalized the company bonds coupon rate to 5.8%. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,459 shares, market, news, main sale) of your research Platinum: 2011 annual main financial indicators of basic earnings per share (RMB) 0.25 weighted average return on equity ratio (%) 5.21 attributable to the shareholders of listed company's net assets per share (RMB) 5.77 onlyFor reference, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,099 shares, market, news, main trading), linhai stock: fifth session of the 17th session of the Board resolutions Lin company limited at its fifth session, the 17th session of the Board was held on March 6, 2012, the meeting considered and adopted "linhai limited 2011 daily transactionsAnd 2012 the daily motion of the associated trade size is expected ". For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,706 shares, market, news, main trading) ST long letter: resolutions of the 16th session of the sixth Board Changan information industry (Group) company limited at its sixth session, the 16th session of the Board in March 2012Day held meetings to consider the adoption of the 2011 annual business report, General Manager, corporate annual report and summary of the 2011 annual report 2011, 2011 profit distribution plans and other matters. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (601,678 shares, market, news, main sale) of shore shares: 2011 annual profitImplementation of distribution of announcements of bin group implemented 2011 profit appropriation plan: every 10 shares of $ 2 in cash (plus tax). Date of record: March 14, 2012, ex-dividend date: March 15, 2012 cash dividend payment date: March 21, 2012 is for reference only, please refer to the full text of the announcement on the same day. (600119 shares, market, news, main trading) investment of the Yangtze River: five th 15 resolutions of the Board and held the company's 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders notice of Yangtze River investment company limited five-session 15 Board meeting held on March 7, 2012, considered the adoption of the Bill on adjusting the company's independent Director remuneration. CompanyOn March 29, 2012 (Thursday) held the 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders 9:30, motions and other matters considered above. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (01171,600188) by Yanzhou coal: for 2012 a second extraordinary general meeting notice of Yanzhou coal mining company limited Board of DirectorsScheduled to be held April 23, 2012 2012 a second extraordinary general meeting of the company, Yanzhou coal mining company limited, of consideration in the Bill to issue dollar bonds abroad, on the revision of Yanzhou coal mining company limited Bill of the Statute and rules of procedure of the Board. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,565Shares, market, news, main trading) Dumas share: increase in notifications of provisional proposals for the 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders of Chongqing di Ma industrial company limited Board of Directors on March 6 the controlling shareholders of Chongqing bot industrial (Group) Ltd submitted in writing to the attention of the Chongqing di Ma industrial company limited 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders to consider the provisionalThe proposal, proposed 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders, held on March 28, 2012 increase the company as a wholly-owned subsidiary of East Tibet limited to financial institutions and trade finance guarantee lines of motion and the company is a subsidiary of Chongqing real estate development limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary Chongqing Dong won Green Thai Garden decoration engineering company to financialCorporate finance guarantee lines of motion under the interim proposal. Increase above program and in line with the relevant provisions of the interim proposals, agreed to the proposals of the Board of the company before the company's 2011 annual general meeting of shareholders held on March 28, 2012 for consideration. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (600,482 shares, market, news,Main sale) sailing shares: 2011 annual main financial indicators of basic earnings per share (RMB) 0.15-weighted average return on equity ratio (%) Net assets per share 6.04 attributable to the shareholders of listed companies (meta) 2.56 is for reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (601,928 shares, market, news, main trading)Phoenix Media: the first Board of the 15th (temporary) meeting resolutions of Phoenix publishing company limited, Jiangsu the first provisional meeting was held on March 7, 2012 for the 15th session of the Board, the Conference consider the adoption of the Convention on the use of its own motion of idle funds to purchase low-risk banking products, and on Hainan, Hainan Phoenix implementation to increase capital to consolidate materialPublishing resources project in motion. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (601,789 shares, market, news, main trading) Ningbo construction: first session of the 21st session of the Board resolutions of Ningbo construction company limited for the first session of the 21st session of the Board was held on March 7, 2012, for consideration and adoption of the customsCompany to issue shares and to pay cash to buy assets and motion to raise matching funds, the company and subscribed shares and cash payment to sign the conditions for the entry into force of the asset purchase agreement, on the part of the motion matters such as idle motion to raise money is to add liquidity. The company stock will be held on March 8 world of tanks power leveling, 2012 resumption. For reference only, please refer toFull text of the notice on the day. (600,757 shares, market, news, main trading) ST Source: shares of limited sales listing notice the flow of the Yangtze River publishing company limited the number of listed shares is limited sold 3,560,100 shares, listed circulation today is March 12, 2012. For reference only, please refer to the date of publicWill the full text. (600,565 shares, market, news, main trading) Dumas shares: the fourth session of the 29th session of the Board resolutions of Chongqing d-Ma industrial company limited at its fourth session, the 29th session of the Board was held on March 7, 2012, considered by the company as a wholly-owned subsidiary of East Tibet and trade limited to the financialCorporate finance guarantee lines of motion, and the company is a subsidiary of Chongqing Dong won Green Thai real estate development limited, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Chongqing garden decoration engineering company provides Bill of guarantee amount of financing from financial institutions. For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. (122061,122062,601168) in Western mines: The fourth session of the tenth session of the Board resolutions and the 2012 meeting notice of the extraordinary general meeting for the first time in Western mining company limited the fourth session of the tenth session of the Board was held on March 5, 2012, considered the adoption of the transfer by the wholly-owned subsidiaries of China National nonferrous metals industry recycling co, Ltd 100% shares and shares of the company Tianjin Datong copperLimited motion, the re-anyonghuaming of the 7.47% equity audit of certified public accountants for the 2011 annual motion of bodies and their audit services pay raise money, Western mining company limited on the consideration of the management rules (revised) motion of matter. Board of Directors agreed to be held March 23, 2012 company 2012 years extraordinary general meeting for the first time, to consider the above motion. ����For reference only, please refer to the full text of the notice on the day. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

