
world of tanks power leveling various plasma TV manufacturers have indicated - OKJ

world of tanks power leveling Netease science and technology news on September 18th message, according to foreign media reports, the United States of America California prepared to stop selling the big screen plasma tv.18, California Energy Commission to television manufacturers have revealed new TV set manufacturing standards.While the related bill may to November released.The bill relating to the present is selling 25% of large screen TV set.By then wot power leveling, the market all the plasma TV will be banned from sales.Because the plasma TV is a big energy consumption.To this world of tanks power leveling, various plasma TV manufacturers have indicated, they can be updated as soon as possible product line, and began to put many LCD TV to the market, to meet the needs of the market.In California, the use of the television power for residential energy use by 10%, and accounted for 2% of electricity consumption in the state.This decision will make California power expenditure over the next 10 years to $8100000000 less.The California government also will not have to build a power plant, electricity savings but also for 461000 families with electricity.(Huo Shan)

