
wot power leveling Zhenjiang city - PJE

129756501045781250_168Considering the surge to the amount due in March the open market and seasonal decline in financial deposits, foreign exchange and other factors are relatively well, less funds can expect from a repo rate is expected to remain relatively low level, the short-term bonds will be a dramatic positive; short for thawing, current high level short and slick and repo rates, spreadsSpace is still relatively reasonable, its relatively limited interest rate risk, may be maintained in the future shock; for short AA-low levels and thawing, but, under the support of easing liquidity and appetite for risk factors such as upgrading, maintaining high yields in early May will gradually come down. For votes, needs attention to credit policies are becoming more liberal, economic rebound in the bottom of the negative effects, and 3Months funds surface gradually tends to loose, and inflation level down, factors of support, in more empty factors interwoven of background Xia, current of Lee difference level may will keep relative smooth of State, income rate overall keep interval shocks of possibilities high; for AA, in the low grade varieties,, credit risk of mitigation and risk preference of upgrade still will is led this class products performance of main factors,But its yield after the obvious downside of February, trading is likely to be declining, and absolute yields higher will ensure that it has a certain configuration values. City investment and debt investment value, we pay more attention to some qualification of relatively good investment and Enterprise (main is a prefecture-level city in the Eastern Midwest relatively strong financial strength of cast or cast of the prefecture-level city)Advantage; depends on local government relative strong of financial strength and relative favourable of support, this class city cast enterprise of credit qualification relative better wot power leveling, may more easy meet silver prison Club Division of support class and maintained class of related conditions; but by early market no difference adjustment of effect, they by issued of city cast debt par rates living in high, and with period credit qualification similar of in the votes compared to, Its configuration values are relatively high. Recent issues of our internal investment and debt of the city the ratings up to D1, and yields more than 7% it's not, some even more than 8%, such as the last week of the 12-debt investment and debt and 12 new district, Zhenjiang city wot power leveling, Ningbo city, and 5 years in the AA level about 6% votes compared to the rate of return of world of tanks power leveling, has a clear comparative advantage, in particular, to configure the type of investor, For example, as an alternative to certain choices. ����Further, quality investment and debt highlighting the value advantage will promote investment and debt demand and market of the city significantly warmer, thereby benefiting the internal ratings for D3 or lower, configuration value relatively weak investment and debt, which yields can be just as there is a line space, has a certain value. Last week a total of 40 creditsBond notices issued (or forthcoming), $ 87.85 billion total circulation; we recommend 12 in a super short short integration into China SCP002 city, Putian CP001, 12 in 12 towns voted CP001 and 12 Tonkin CP001; we recommend 12 railway MTN2, 12 in Shanghai Hong Kong high speed MTN1, MTN1, 12 min 1200 sets being MTN1 MTN1, 12, and 12 weiqiao MTN1 corporate bonds and corporate bonds, we recommend 11 of WISCO bond, 12, investment and debt and 12 new district, Zhenjiang city, Ningbo city debt.

