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129755780341406250_202Originally intended to buy happily suite, only to be told to buy restricted, because credit cards due to the two being pulled a bank "blacklist", Hefei King of Vietnam would like to "avenge": "two dollars, and who will not. But I somehow was pulled into the ' blacklist ', it is the panic to air their grievances. "The King told a press conference, in 2008, she in Hefei, China Merchants BankBozhou City Road, near a branch of the processing of a credit card. "Overdrawn cash withdrawal at that time, just once, then I got on the money, also do not know whether this issue. "The King said, she can no longer use the credit card. Recently when she apply for mortgages, Bank staff informed, she was pulled into the "black list", not loansParagraph. "I was surprised and thought wrong diablo 3 power leveling, you ask what is the reason. "After a series of queries, the Bank staff told her, also had two blocks in the original credit card money, and just because this" debt ", she has bad credit records are being registered. After repayment, Ms Rosanna WONG has thought what's the problem. Who knew, buying a House is also encountered obstacles. "Pay offAlso, Bank says I have into the ' blacklist ', buy limit. "But, Ms Rosanna WONG and Criss stated many times. Finally got the House, but because of bad credit records, mortgage rates higher than the base interest rate, Ms Wong felt aggrieved: "it's wrong, 2 money thing out so much trouble. "" Should be a warning to others."The King said, on the other hand she is most concerned about is, when we put the" all "removed? "Just like Ms WONG, unintended late payment of one or many. Credit low rates, loans may not be granted tera power leveling, or base rate loans on the basis of interest rates rising. So people must pay attention to credit card debt, don't owe money to the later lives of inconvenience tera gold。 "The Hefei branch of China Merchants Bank staff member said. "There is no ' black list ' claim that credit reporting system is an objective record of personal credit information. "People's Bank of China, Hefei, Central Branch staff member told reporters that the personal credit system has become a prerequisite for commercial bank loans. If you receive a credit card late repaymentRecording, people have to repay as soon as possible in order to ensure a good repayment record, "credit information systems acquisition and repayment information for the last 24 months. In other words, the public if a stitch in time saves nine, after 2 years, bad records will be automatically deleted, does not have an impact on later life. "(Evening xinan Zhong Hong) (Editor: Cao Lu璠) Others:

