
wot power leveling military industry - DFO

129756355312968750_4"Caijing Roundup" according to the China News weekly network news, March 7, CPPCC member and former Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji wot power leveling, the daughter of Zhu Yanlai participated in the CPPCC economy group discussion world of tanks power leveling, concluded that Governments should review their roles wot power leveling, evicted from the operational area as soon as possible. Zhu Yan, the Government should formulate rules of the game, by creating a level playing field, in the capitalAccess to, resources, and so on, a level playing field for all, rather than "jump in participation." She added that, certainly in the area of resources, military industry, as well as national strategies of the areas, should be controlled in the hands of State-owned enterprises, but the other has gradually matured and has very good (business) areas should further introduction of market mechanisms, the Government should withdraw fromThese sectors of the economy, reduction of economic intervention. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: Deng Meiling)

