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129764343243906250_56Funds investing must read of the day: March 16 major announcements mobile phone free www.cnfol.com 300 comments March 16, 2012 Fund newsroom to view the South increased postal savings banks opened for the distribution agent and casting and conversion of business activities, such as under the SouthFund Management Limited (hereinafterCapital funds (front end code: 202,015, hereinafterMinimum monthly deduction amount to 200 Yuan a month ($ 200), investment and business-specific rules, please refer to the relevant provisions of the postal savings bank. From March 16, 2012, investors may be by postal savings bank in all specified outlets handling 300 funds and in the South of the country, South Ridge, South sound, stability in the South II, South, southern, southern cash cash a bLee c, South of merit, southern ingredients, long Yuan in the South, southern Morimoto, value, deep in the South of the South into the South, southern strategy, well-off, Kwong Lee in the South a, South of guangli 380 c, growing up in the South, the South Fund conversions between business, Fund both front-end charges and back-end charges, only the opened front charging mode conversion business. At the same time, South 300 fundsParticipating postal savings bank offers online transaction to purchase rates and fund investment and purchase rate offer, as follows: 1, online transaction to purchase rate offer: during the March 16, 2012, investors through postal savings bank online banking to purchase 300 funds in the South, its purchase, enjoy a 40 percent discount on the rates. Original purchase rates highIn 0.6% diablo 3 gold, purchase rate by 40 percent discount (that is, the actual purchase, original purchase rate = rateSouth 300 postal savings bank successful fund investment plans, investment and purchase rates 80 percent discount, if it enjoyed after the discount rate lower than 0.6%, executed by 0.6%, if the funds provided for in the terms of the contract to purchase equal to or lower than 0.6%, then according to the original terms of the contract rate provided for in the implementation, no longer entitled to discount rates. Investors are ways you can consultFor more information: postal savings bank customer service: postal savings bank 95,580 Web site: www.psbc.com the South Fund Web site: South Fund for www.nffund.com customer service phone: 400-889-8899 risk: 1, investors should carefully read the contract, of the prospectuses of the funds of the Fund lawLegal documents, understand the risk-return characteristics of the Fund, and according to its own investment objectives, investment horizon of assets, investment experience, risk tolerance, determine whether the funds and investors to adapt. 2, the Fund to investors should be fully aware of difference between savings and fixed deposit by installments, fixed investment on a regular basis. Fixed investment on a regular basis is to guide investment for long-term investment, with an average investmentCost of investment in a simple and easy way. But fixed investment on a regular basis and cannot evade the risks inherent in investments, investments are not guaranteed access to income, not replace equivalent way of savings. Southern Fund Management Limited hereby bulletin March 16, 2012 (China Securities journal) Others:

