
diablo 3 power leveling 2. decline is confirmed - ULM

129773188879062500_64Your review: huzhi necking up stronger 0.05% medical device unit NetEase Home-NBA-entertainment-news-sports-finance-stock-car-technology-mobile-blog-Forum-video-woman-real estate-home-education-reading-games | Free mailbox-pass login | Twitter RSS body of NetEase finance channel security newsNews page 2012-03-26 source: NetEase total 0 sectors of finance, wine industry trend is strong, and end up 0.99%, leaping up top. Textile machinery sector continued the strong performance in the near future, stronger today, shares most of the floating green, but this was, to the0.95% closed up, set up second place in the standings. Household appliance industry trends today stronger and end up 0.4%, decreases in forefront of the list. In addition, medical equipment, travel and materials trade sector outperform, ceramics industry, shipbuilding, and media and entertainment sector underperform. According to 5 net inflow of funds of millions: panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium (218 million), and tieling new(147 million), suning appliance (144 million), batian shares (131 million), the times publishing (110 million). Agencies believe that, after seven even a surname tera power leveling, Yin-huzongzhi ushered in the three-week, 5, 10, 20, of equal-string after the fall, huzongzhi fall a half line, indicating 2400-2500-intensive transactions selling pressureHeavy market into a period of adjustment. 2300-2350 point area will have a strong technical support, stabilisation or have the possibility of renewed attacks on. Recent stock weakness, Commonwealth Securities has ten factors restricting the stock index up: 1. credit is scheduled in the second quarter to relax (requires data determined in late April); 2. decline is confirmed, decline in needAnnual reports and quarterly results confirm; 3. whether or not reach more than 100 billion of foreign exchange, 4. new projects (water, affordable housing, and so on) are able to resist any other impact of the decline in fixed asset investment, 5. If the European debt crisis to maintain a smooth (Spain whether there is a risk of default); 6. geopolitical conflict risk is exacerbated; 7. House prices fell by a sharp come 8. United States real estate market recovery filtering through in the import and export trade promotion as expected; 9. oil-driven commodity is accelerated and bring new inflation; 10. when to adjust the contour level technically oversold conditions. Taken together, successive fell below the key support level of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets last week, but trading volume shrunk is so serious, the index dipped below also needs to continue the validity of conceptJustice, in short, because of the financial weight plate dash indicator shows serious oversold, index of short-term downward pressure is expected but the small space below. Operation due to fill some strong stocks fall on, it is recommended that investors remain cautious for the time being, market direction after admission. For lack of performance support, and recommends avoiding gained large variety. Galaxy securities recentlyPublished research reported that index a significant recalled last week, except on Monday, a stock index received four consecutive days of yin, huzhi final line breakdown six months on Friday. Seen from the plates, real estate-related sector performs strongly last week, mainly due to property sales pick up. Markets will remain volatile in the short term adjustments are expected, real estate sales rebound as well as sustainability is expected to give at least the short term marketSupport, together with the policy of economic growth downward fine-tuning is expected, no need to overly pessimistic on normal market adjustment. Galaxy securities recommended short-term performance to determine, after gains by the industry, such as food and beverage, textile and garment, and are recommended to continue to focus on price reform is more optimistic about the future of petroleum and petrochemical and power industries. News: 1, Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, YaoHas just said, the next stage, the SFC will "Twelve-Five" early planning requirements and directions of the national financial work Conference, from nine to deepen reform, strengthen the capital market's ability to service the real economy. 2, according to the questionnaire show, and 32.6% of the Fund Manager's views on the medium-and long-term market optimism and cautiously optimistic; 46.5% FundThink of this year's a-share market rebounded space is limited; 70% fund managers cautious about further easing of monetary policy; in promising industries and sectors, consumer, real estate, finance, medicine and most promising, of which more than half of fund managers are spending included water industry; 93% fund managers don't think real estate regulatory policy in the second half will continue to tighten; nearly fourFund managers will maintain a high position in the current market environment. External markets: Greece has completed replacement of bonds under the laws of that State, but delayed the replacement of parts under foreign law. This has just crossed the "March 20" wards of the European debt crisis "severe" gave no? In the country to use of "collective action clauses" (CAC) forced almost all the creditor's rightsPeople completing 177 billion euros after the debt swap, raised its rating agency Fitch announced that Greece's rating, rating agencies, p, will remain on Greece selective default rating for long-term foreign currency sovereign credit rating, based on foreign law until Greece debt until the replacement of complete. Meanwhile, Spain 10-year bond yields soaring diablo 3 power leveling, amid concern itsOr becoming the next Greece. "Today's news" SFC Deputy Chairman Yao gang: nine deepen capital markets reform and Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, said Yao gang, the next stage, the SFC will "Twelve-Five" planning requirements and instructions of the national financial work Conference early, from nine to deepen reform, enhance the capacity of capital market services to the real economy. First Fund annual report publishedRelatively bullish on growth stock fund for the first 17 2011 annual report of the company produces. Fund expects economic trend for the whole year is expected to soft landing, the economy remained relatively stable trend after bottoming. Investment in the domestic economy in transition, under the background of a decline in investment growth, cyclical industries-band operation of opportunity only, while consumption and the growth of new industries in the unit, will become the FundMining investment targets. Ministry of housing: expanding peri-urban real estate tax yet adhere to the regulation does not relax on the personal pilot of house property tax expanded Wai, Vice-Minister of Ministry of housing of the 25th held in Guangzhou Lingnan said at the Forum, relevant ministries are summarized existing pilot experiments, then will identify more cities diablo 3 gold, expand the scope. Try selected for Guangzhou, Shenzhen real estate taxExpanded hearsay, enforcing the same day saying "the current expansion of real estate tax has not been decided. Has not been determined which is the new city property tax ". Agency policy: brokers weekly strategy: short-term certificates in the market over the medium term remain good investment: stock dilemma time window opens the shrinkage of up and down market cross star release signals due to four factors are two big to signal to the market were mixedCan I adjust the end with a dilemma to review your comments on: inhibition of the two cities Yangtze plate hold the 5th-string industry after using up afternoon review: huzhi wide vibration micro-rose 0.14% real estate leading the charge review: favourable boosted property stocks two huzhi volume rose 90 points this afternoon review: favourable boosted property stocks, led by huzhi volume soared 81 afternoon review: rightFell huzhi bi unit subject of stabilisation unit using up 21 points most bullish on the hot plate [more] financial 1613 estate 448 colored 967 votes in coal 1700 steel 325 power 1587Medicine 1626 military 262 tickets shipped 124 technology 156 156 of 175 media food agricultural paper 288 votes in building 94 88 machine 599 electrical appliances more than 130 textile 148 votes17.8% rose 1924 by 6,966 cent flat 1899 has been voted, vote result zero position surveys a day 33.3%0-25%267 6.5%25%-50%52 6.5%50%-75%5253.7%75%-100%432 has been voted, vote every 15 points clear market analysis [more] strongly recommend acceptance of 10 shares of securities companies Shanghai electrical and mechanical highest goal up 51% securities and insurance Council to make ten investors warn industrial capital in March to a net reduction of words high sent go meal cooked in 5,000,000,004 industry in 2011Performance increases exposure of the ten biggest companies running 73 stingy company Jiang g c breakup break up is not easy leaving a storm leads to lawsuit by Chinese businesses increased consumption of 100 million lines of QFII bullish on a-shares and 211 funds loss of heavy industry more than 84,600,000,020 yuzhi monetary funds restriction of 124 companies IPO before the section was not: the number one cause is sustained profitabilityIndustry sector [more] influenza introduced into stronger peaks fire medicine healthcare plan or expensive liquor stocks funds pouring into sectors dominate policy package oil car enterprise sales new stunt new energy auto policy encourages the Ching Ming holidays from hotel and tourism stocks traded opportunities policy or keep lurking "wheel" food and beverage curated released super buy signalThe coal industry: capacity and capacity increment comprehensive to benefit enterprises in Central and Western paper light: Home toy surprise paper profits are still bottom communication industry: wireless and optical communications capital spending growth remains focused on stocks information [more] reorganization of desay battery end 3 institutions buy 19.4 million restructuring South Bo textile shares alleged securities law by the SFCNorth to initiate an investigation of stock profits plunge in first quarter more than 90% changes will increase plan bright dairy price hike in revenues the first Super baiyiliangci hard to understand cost pressures on Jean's nickel industry taking over Canada GBK Huaying agriculture known as stealing has been 95.62% shares selling dead ducks is an individual baotou steel rare earth increased net profits last year to make rectification and reform measures of 3.63 times times more rare earth prices stabilising benefits, Chairman of Shanghai medical being denied the company was involved in the original area (click to view) in the original read ... 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