
wot power leveling this is the main line of the long term trends in the stock market. Chips - TPA

129756355800156250_214MACD cyberschools share price cycle of four stages: a stage: infinite cost average down to go flat; commonly known as the build phase at the end of b stage: infinite cost averages go from flat to up; commonly known as the elevating stage, may be called a rising stage c stage: infinite cost averages by up to go flat; commonly known as the head (top) stages; d order: Infinite cost averages go from flat to down; commonly known as the distribution stage, called descent; chip distribution of characteristics: a stage: bargaining chip by a decentralized to a centralized, divergence declined.  B-stage: leverage from centralized to distributed, increased divergence.  C stage: bargaining chip by a decentralized to a centralized, divergence declined. D phase: leverage from centralized to distributed,Increased divergence.  The ultimate truth in the stock market: supply is greater than demand, prices, demand is greater than supply prices. Final corresponds to the funding of supply and demand, and chips. What other fundamentals, news, faith, technology and so on, are only indirectly affect or reflect the nature of the stock market. Share price movement the movement behind the essence is equal to the volume of coins.Chips supply and demand forces of two parties: money and chips. In the stock market is significantly different in meaning. For money, tend to be funding it. In other words, is the key, this is the main line of the long term trends in the stock market. Chips, is a stock market game media stakeholders, captured the chips, a key, can be essentially seize the unitTicket prices.  Therefore, from a game theory point of view, chip, is the core of the stock market game. Chips on the is actually a restored: all of the factors that affect the supply and demand in the stock market, all restored into a bargaining chip, and chip behind the reflected power, interest, competition, control centralized, distributed, transferred, and so on. So I think the stock market is the core of the study costs!In bear in the cash mainly, and in bull in the chips of for King, stock profit is nothing more than is will hands of cash in low transformation into stock, then will stock in high exchange for cash of process, this is from another a angle Shang see, is chips of movement, mainstream funds is chips of Porter, and chips of cost is key, cost analysis will became technology analysis in the very important of a minSupported.  Main features and purpose 1. judge chip distribution and changes in transaction-intensive areas.  2. determine the important resistance level of market development and support.  3. through the analysis of changes in the market, develop appropriate action strategies. Chip is the core of stock game, chips for the King nor is it in a bull market, who have more chips who will in the futureGet in the game initiative, on chips from the following study: first, the chip cost-this is the core issue of chip, in the mainstream of the market cost of funds or the vast majority of the chips on stock movements play a decisive role wot power leveling, here to introduce concepts of cost averages, mainly reflects the average costs of the preparatory costs of market averages. Moving average line and costDifference between average. Costs into account in the calculation of averages in a turnover, and solve the neural network method in calculating the time short repeated consideration of these issues, real reaction of shareholders at the end of the cost. 5th, 13th, on 34 days cost averages represent average positions of market cost of the 5th, 13th, on 34 days. If a day 13th cost average for 10. $ 2, since the 13th person who bought the stock average costs of $ 10.2.  Infinite cost average said average positions of all stocks on the market costs. Infinite cost cost averages of averages is the most important. Is an important watershed markets Niu Xiong, like the value curve, always around the next wave of stock prices, this leads to anotherConcept of infinite cost averages by rate, also called profit and loss indices. The index reflects the average investor's profit and loss, 5.13 daily profits and losses on short term operations of major significance, especially infinite BIAS on medium-and long-term judgment have a decisive role, the index occupies an important position in the investment programmes and ideas, for example. What is oversold? Fall on what differenceThere is not much? Why do some stocks fall falling 7.8 drop still does not chaodie?  Profit/loss indicators better address these issues. Second, chips forms of distribution: intensive and decentralized distribution of chip motion: transaction-intensive areas of concentration and divergence to form chips peak, formation region of the Valley between the two peaks, which is the Visual form of the distribution of chips, chip movement accompanied by chipsAnd divergence in the code set. Necessarily accompanied by chips, formed intensive peak.  Intensive into high density and low density. Any round that will experience changed hands from low to high change hands, by high changed hands again to the low exchange, chip is the movement of profits. (Of course, cut meat is loss-making process) full Exchange is completed the preparatory phase of the low marks, highFull change of hand is the sign of the distribution phase is complete.  Cost-intensive is the process of preparing for the next stage, divergence is the cost of deployment. Indicates that the main concentration in the third, primary zones for chip accumulation rates greater in the higher numbers, said chip set, chips, the more dispersed, it is necessary to remind, meaning of this set, is not equivalent toControl plate, and one spy too many data is not a means.  For the moment, unable to turn it into a programme, only through the observation of one by one share to sum up, came to the following results. 1.  Chip stocks with high concentration (10) strong explosive force, increase or decrease in amplitude is larger. 2. chips set low stock (especially more than 20) Gained intensity decreased significantly.  3. chip set is ready for the next stage, and divergent process is started.  Should be emphasized that: 1. not only concentrated, stocks will go up.  2. reach set up rate increases.  3. de-centralized stocks will go up. Four active chips chipsCloth shows us what shareholders the distribution of costs, is when we did a cost analysis of effective tools. When we look at changes in the distribution of chips, found near the price of the chips is the most unstable, most involved in the transaction, as shares of stock holders in the vicinity, most can't stand the temptation, profitable to get into actual profit floating profit;Cover also wants to take advantage of losses of hurry up and sell less, using the funds to buy additional stock, earn back losses as soon as possible. And away from stocks, at the bottom of the stack, because there is a certain amount of profits, shareholders confidence increases; at the top of the stack, due to the deep cover rather than cut of meat, so near the price of chips is the most active and share prices up and down, away from the stock prices of the chips is not liveHops. Near the active chips is to reflect the price of chips as percentage of all circulation coins.  Its range is from 0 to 100, higher numbers represent stock near the active chips more; the higher the number the smaller active less chips near the said shares. How many active chips can also be used to describe the intensity of chips, such as today's chips active value is 50,Represents the State in chips near the stock is intensive.  If values are 10 active chips today, it means that very few chips near the stock, most chips are in a place away from the stock world of tanks power leveling, benefited a lot, or losing a lot. Active chips value is small is a very notable case. For example, a stock after a long decline, active value of the chip is very small (Is less than 10), most chips are is quilt cover more deep of State, then most holding who has does not willing to cut meat out has, so now often can became a better of buy points; then such as: a only stock after a time of rose, active chips is small (is less than 10), most chips are is profit more of State, if then control disc strength of value larger (largeIn 20), early with distinct characteristics of zhuanggu, overall gain is not too big wot power leveling, can also be a good buy. Therefore, stocks run to a different stage, consider how many active chip, would serve as a good a secondary effect.

