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129742939243906250_99 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/age-of-conan/gold">aoc gold</a>Central Bank reduced reserve requirements good stimulation, sharp advance in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets on Monday, under selling pressure, market correction set, coal oil, nonferrous metals, real estate, insurance, weight plates such as cement a stronger push up the market, but insufficient willingness to buying high, tape blockage down again, electrical, 3G, communication, electronics aoc gold, aerospace, military, cloud computing, turn activeIn the afternoon selling pressure continued to release, the market lacks support to cover Gap gap gradually, as close, huzhi close at 2363.6 points. First, the combination of economic stabilization policy is ordered to launch, first, the gradual relaxation of the monetary policy, the reserve rate cut in a row, regulators conditionally relax excessively high bank regulatory capital constraints, lending has steadily increased, supply and demand of capital ringBorder pick up gradually, but in view of the slowdown in economic growth, as well as evacuation of hot money, the future Central Bank still need further decline in liquidity reserve requirements to the real economy and, secondly, more power to implement structural tax cut, an active fiscal policy, supports affordable housing construction, railway construction, water conservancy construction, agriculture, and, finally, deepening economic system reform, relaxing access to private capitalAreas, and actively implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, speeding up the development of launch of home appliances to the countryside and new and renewal policies, such as the new-for-old consumer incentives, stable exports; as these punches one after another such as monetary and fiscal policies, and gradually accelerate private sector investment, economic growth rates bottom out far off in the future. Secondly, accelerating financial reform, on the one hand, deeper securities market asksProblem control speed, new listings accelerated pace of market-oriented, high earnings release problem-solving to Sham Shui Po District and bonus system began to build, delisting listed corporate governance system and further perfect as gradually solve deeper contradictions in the stock market, the market began to improve the ecological environment, stationed in favour of firm funding long-term confidence in the stock market on the other, exploring insurance Exchange, Cross-border gold OTC market, banking, financial instruments trading center and Center for international guarantees, reinsurance transactions. Thirdly, long-term funding team grew, industrial capital, insurance fund, Social Security Fund and actively market capacity on QFII, RQFII the purposes of pension market starts, which will help to solve the contradiction between supply and demand of funds in the market, the valueInvestment ideas to firmly take root markets, promote the long-term and stable development of the market. IV, market value is still outstanding, financial, real estate, cars, coal, as the representative of CSI 300 overall history at relatively low valuations, valuations repair market will continue to constitute a valid support and cross-border cross-implementation of the ETF, makes high quality blue chip scarcity gradually highlights, blue-chip chip collectionWill improve market focus. In view of the above situation, along with the gradual transition to a relatively abundant liquidity, markets function correct, led by blue-chip market repair market continued to develop in depth, but an increase in short-term external uncertainties, of renewed tension in the Middle East, oil prices high, Greece rescue appeared waves, as well as market its own technical repair request, market volatilityWill intensify. As soon as the dip in economic growth to pick up, transition to a rising trend will be repaired. 1. the people's Bank of China decided, as of February 24, 2012, reduced deposit financial institutions renminbi deposit reserve rate 0.5%. 2. the Shanghai Securities News reported, and February 16, the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State CouncilLi held a forum on economic development focus and fiscal reform in Shanghai. He emphasized that, in accordance with the "Twelve-Five" theme of the main line and the central economic work Conference requirements, adhere to the steady improvement in the overall tone, lower strength to implement a proactive fiscal policy, implement and improve structural tax cut measures, promoting the reform of fiscal focus, maintain steady and fast economic development and overall prices basically stable,Promoting innovation-driven development and transformation. 3. China Securities network news reporter 17th was informed that the 8 ministries such as national development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance recently jointly issued the circular on promoting healthy and rapid development of e-commerce-related work, clear will set up a Committee of experts, with a focus on promoting national e-commerce model cities to promote commerce and trade circulation in e-business rapid application development, planningStandard electronic payment, promoting financial IC card applications, research work such as cross-border trade facilitation measures of e-commerce. 4. Shanghai Securities News report, to implement the State Council on accelerating the deployment of next generation Internet development in China, national development and Reform Commission recently issued a circular, decided to organize in 2012, the next-generation Internet technologies under development, industrialization and scale of business,Generation of Internet information security professional. In particular, to reach the backbone and 10% metropolitan area networks supporting IPv6; development of large-scale networks from IPv4 to IPv6 transition smooth evolution of the public programmes, achieving Interworking between IPv4 and IPv6 website business, IPv6 broadband access more than 8 million users. 5. China Securities network news, the Ministry for energy savingComprehensive utilization and Deputy Director Yang Tiesheng 18th, prepared by the Ministry of industry and energy saving "Twelve-Five" programme (hereinafter referred to as the plan) have been issued in the near future, will be released in the near future. Among them, the plans to develop a "Twelve-Five" industrial energy conservation goals in the period, but decomposition has developed 20 indicators of energy consumption per unit of product, made nine industry-based approach of energy-saving andRoute nine key energy-saving projects, tasks, and so on. Yang Tiesheng is participating in energy-efficient pulverized coal boiler technology and application Symposium on the statement was made. Yang Tiesheng said when interviewed by reporters after the meeting, the "Twelve-Five" period, energy consumption of China's industrial added value "Eleven-Five" is expected to be lower in the late 21%. At the same time, participants told a press conference, iron and steel, Non-ferrous metals, construction materials, petrochemicals, power and other energy-intensive industries increase the value will reduce the 18% per cent of energy consumption. 6. According to the information and the business community eq2 platinum, mainstream heavy traffic asphalt currently sold for $ 4750~4900/ton, 2011 year has been exceeded in the year reached 4600~4650 Yuan/ton, hit a historical high. Because of the traditional consumptionSeason is coming, some traders think, asphalt in the next two months the price will exceed $ 5,000/MT mark. First, as the EU internal differences gradually through consultations, and establish a financial discipline mechanism, related debtors in order to promote fiscal reform, European debt crisis eased, while United States increasingly effective recovery of the economy, international capital markets and over timeOver gradually stabilized. Second, as the downside risks to the economy increased, macro-control key to the steady growth phase, deposit reserve rate cut, re-enter the loosening cycle of monetary policy gradually to inject liquidity into the real economy, while an active fiscal policy, developing new consumer incentives to expand domestic demand, actively expanding the export market depth and breadth. IV, continue washingEliminating backward production capacity and energy-saving emission reduction, implementing the real estate regulatory policy, accelerate the construction of low-income housing, build water conservancy, intensify the policies supporting the development of new industries, continuously optimizing the economic structure, economic transition effects begin to emerge. As policies play a role in economic soft landing, gradual perfection of the system of capital market, the market long term well worth the wait.Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

