
age of conan gold Chinese 2012 CPI inflation is likely to remain at around 4% - GVY

129733877430315000_236Industry news 1, Beijing rendered distinctive characteristics of the development of the advertising industry, industry development trend is good, is currently the largest advertising market, there were 2,346 advertising media age of conan gold, which more than online advertising media more than 80,000. 33 tertiary institutions in Beijing opened an advertising professional, 15 universities established the Institute of advertising and mass media advertising, such as research and development of the InstituteRefactoring for the advertising industry in Beijing provides a strong protection of human resources for innovation and sustainable development.  Beijing advertising market environment, overall in good condition. And 2 Internet advertising prices are several times last year growth of brilliant. According to people familiar with the situation said last year rose 10 times price times the commercial navigation of the Web site advertising, encounter these conditions this year, portal advertising gainsLast year fell to 50% of. Amoy NET Vice President Chen Hu expressed, Internet advertising prices are still dead pole. Portal site advertising this year prices are only an average 15% per cent, last year and this number is 50%. Research Secretary Zhang Jianhua and according to the people's Bank of China is expected, Chinese 2012 CPI inflation is likely to remain at around 4%, rose30% lower than last year, portal site advertising prices fell up to 70%. 3, the mobile Internet is no longer a forecast made by the flowing, 2011 many mobile Internet full meeting of the General Assembly have made people feel the vitality and future of the market. Entrepreneurs with understanding of the market quickly outlining areas of "camp", growth potential, such as brokenBamboo. As the market broke out, also heated competition between platforms, scrambling for number one position in mobile advertising. Eric Shen Sui, an analyst said, 2011 to get the investment company has come out with capital edge distance, then the dozens of families find it difficult to melt, and so in 2012 will be phased out the small scale, out of the reach of small companies,Round industry reshuffle had been started. 4, Ai Mangao study found that, although the global economic climate is uncertain, but Hong Kong 2011 year of the Tablet industry ad spending is still up to us $ 13 million, four times times 2010 surge. Behind the surge reflects the fierce competition between the two giants Samsung and Apple levels. 2011 Hong Kong Hong Kong ad spend up to 4US $ 700 million, annual growth of 16%. Total advertising spending reached a record high of last quarter, amounted to $ 1.3 billion, over the same period in 2010 rose by 17%. In 2011, the only media interactive advertising spending share of 4.43%, but Ai Mangao said the website is currently only monitoring of advertising spending, and plan to join in 2012 reports of cell phone applicationsAdvertising spending. Advertising News 5, after two rounds of fierce Pitch, Costa Atlantic cruises before the appointment of Hill and Knowlton in mainland China Shanghai office as its public relations agency. The Pitch with the participation of five international public relations company, which includes the incumbent PR agency Burson-Marsteller cruise company. Hill and Knowlton Shanghai Office will be responsible for brand reputation management, at the same time as the brandChina strategy to provide support, and controlled by the national initiative. Since 2006, song poem cruises opened an Office in Shanghai, its regional office in Hong Kong. Since the beginning of 2008, Ogilvy public relations has been responsible for the company in the public relations business in Hong Kong. According to the Ogilvy Public Relations Office of the Hong Kong people, January 13 company of song poetry of Concord, in ItalyGrounded after the accident occurred, Ogilvy Hong Kong have sought Ogilvy public relations crisis in Asia more help for other Office management. 6, Shang Yang media (MEC) announced a Harman of media planning and buying business in China, two star brands and be responsible for Harman Harman Kardon and JBL for the mass consumer communication planning. This is HAMann media agency companies in the Chinese market for the first time, appointing its media planning and buying business.  The business appointment without a Pitch. 7, DMG University Miami Ad school global advertising and communications group, launched the first greenhouse in China training project. 6 Miami advertising school students come to Beijing, creative DMG home for a 10-week internships.They will live in the DMG, learn and absorb advertising with combination of Chinese and Western culture, gain valuable practical experience. In recent years, the DMG had successful reforms, developed into a comprehensive communication agency, owns and operates an advertising media companies and Entertainment Studios. Under the innovative fusion of media and entertainment platforms, DMG on creative people in advertising not only numerous awardsIntelligence applied to the film script writing, scene of the world in activities such as design, film marketing. 8, a few days ago, liaobeina replace the Index as Coca-Cola's Taiwan marketing digital agency partner, responsible for customer relationship management and digital communication activities; McCann international and star of the Group and mass media are responsible for Coca-Cola's creative and media business。 As early as 2000 liaobeina Taiwan is responsible for the Nestlé brands of Coca-Cola's creative business (two years), then the beverage giant with Taiwan well-known tea company renmingcha (Ten Ren Group) Alliance to enter the Taiwan market. In the mainland market, December liaobeina Shanghai again last year successfully launched "the first bottles of Coca Cola" activities, in treatingEnglish brand ambassadors, a student of the famous athlete Liu Xiang.  The same month, McCann International Corp's Luxury brand and digital agencies Box is digital creative business of Coca-Cola's bottled water brand ice cream. 9, according to people familiar with the matter said, pointing to media mobile advertising platform has recently obtained a round of financing, amounted to $ 80 million. In this regard,Tencent technology to call the public relations department is responsible for pointing the media people, and recognized each other.  It is understood that pointing this round to the East of the media investment (CDF-Capital) lead investor, after the financing strategy for core platform research and development funds are mainly used for advertising and media buying in the future in terms of brand advertising with. 10, Publicis today 2011Annual earnings increased by 2010 in the Group's operating income for the year, to us $ 7.7 billion. And Publicis's profits hit a record US $ 795 million. The Group's organic growth rate of 5.7%. In addition, Russia is Publicis most rapid market growth, increased 15.6%. Rate of growth of the Chinese market for 8.5%,Establishment of the Asia-Pacific region is 5.7%. Another emerging markets Brazil, dragged down as liaobeina, only by 2.8%.  In 2011, Publicis, totaling $ 7.9 billion was recorded in the new business, including Nestlé, Microsoft, Burger King coffee, Sprint, etc. Marketing Dynamics $ 11, ticket price, more than US $ 100,000Advertising/second, ratings of 160 million people, this is the United States warhammer online gold, "Spring Festival evening show" Super Bowl beautiful data. "Super Bowl" successful marketing refreshes the sporting record revenues. Wonderful is not limited to race, Super Bowl success away as 250 million dollars of advertising revenue is impressive. Such a high advertising revenues not to leading advertising and marketing around the "Super Bowl" hugeProgram group advertising and marketing has become a sporting classic marketing case. "Super Bowl" is the most-watched game in the world, its events with the highest level of commercial development is also considered a Golden Bowl. Forbes, statistics show, "Super Bowl" business worth 420 million dollars, while the World Cup is $ 140 million eq2 platinum, games are only US $ 230 million.This Super Bowl broadcast a total of 58 of brand advertising, "King" for Chrysler's two-minute advertisement "in the United States the intermission time", spent $ 5.84 million. Chrysler ads starring veteran star East wood served as, 2009 Chrysler filed for bankruptcy protection after a successful restructuring as a model, metaphor is depressedEconomy, although in the first half is still great adversity, however at the start of the second half when the whistle goes off, also continues to be a comeback. 12, Facebook plans at the end of this month in the United States Museum of natural history in New York and interactive marketing activities. The time the event will take place on February 29 from 12 o'clock noon, lasted half a day. At that time, the companyChief Operating Officer (COO) xielier·sangdeboge (Sheryl Sandberg) attended and made a speech, activities included a "breakthrough inspired discussion" (inspirational breakout sessions).

