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129773909022500000_49Preamble speeding up the development of e-commerce, is to reduce costs, improve efficiency, effective means of expanding markets and innovative business model, is to enhance the level of organization of industry and resources, change the mode of economic development, improve the quality of economic operations and important way to enhance international competitiveness, optimize the industrial structure, supporting strategic development of new industries and the formation of new economyGrowth point has a very important role, to satisfy and improve consumer demand and improving people's livelihood and promote employment is of great significance, for economic and social development has become even more far-reaching impact. This plan is the implementation of the national information technology development strategy, and the 2006-2020 12th five-year plan for national economic and social development and the platform for theSome opinions of the State Council on accelerating the development of e-commerce of important initiatives is the "Twelve-Five" document guiding the development of further promoting e-commerce in the period. A situation of present situation, development and the "Eleven-Five" period, maintained a good momentum of sustained and rapid development of e-commerce in China, trading up almost 2.5 times the total, by 2010About $ 4.5 trillion. ����Dynamic and innovative ability of students in the development of e-commerce growing, are entering a new phase of intensive innovation and the rapid expansion of. (A) development of e-commerce continue to spread and deepened. E-commerce in China's industry, agriculture, Commerce, transportation, and finance, tourism and consumption of urban and rural areas continue to expand,Level rising is formed and the real economies tendency of integration. Increasingly frequent cross-border e-commerce, mobile e-commerce development highlights. Large share of online purchases and sales increased year by year, part of the enterprise is to design, manufacturing and research and development of e-commerce and business management, business integration collaborative development in the direction of. E-commerce in small and medium-sizedApplication penetration in the enterprise to rapidly increase 2010 SME utilization of online trading and Internet marketing at 42.1%. Rapid growth in online retail deals, the "Eleven-Five" period the average annual growth rate of 100.8%, proportion of the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased, stimulating demand, optimizing consumption structure of important ways. 2010 China networkRetail users to scale up to 161 million, turnover reached 513.1 billion yuan, proportion of the total retail sales of social consumer goods reached 3.3%. E-commerce support levels rapidly. "Eleven-Five" during the e-commerce platform services, credit services, electronic payments, to accelerate the development of modern logistics and e-authentication support system. Around e-commerce information, trade and technologyService enterprises such as emergence, 2010 has reached 25,000. E-business information and trading platform is more specialized and integrated development. Social credit environmental improving, creating favorable conditions for the integrity of e-commerce transactions. Online payments, mobile payments, phone payments, such as rapid development of new payment services, third-party electronic payment growthNearly 60 times in 2010 to reach $ 1.01 trillion. Rapid development of modern logistics industry, ability to support to e-commerce grows, especially online retail driven the rapid development of the courier service, enterprises above designated size in the 2010 National Express services amounted to 2.34 billion pieces of business, business income amounted to $ 57.46 billion, with online retail driven business volumeAbout half of the total delivery. End of 2010 a valid electronic signature certificate holding more than 15.3 million, e-certificates are widely used in electronic commerce. ����Communications operators, such as hardware, software, and service providers are involved in e-commerce, to provide users with relevant services. E-commerce development environment continues to improve. The "Eleven-Five" period, China's network infrastructureFacilities continued to improve, scale fast user growth, 2010 Internet penetration rate of 34.3%, scale up to 457 million Internet users, mobile phone users reached 859 million, of which 3G number of users reached 47.05 million. Network services ability to continuously improve, falling price levels. Growing e-commerce application awareness of the whole society, applied skills effectivelyImproved. International Exchange and cooperation has a wide range of e-commerce. Establishment Department coordinated working mechanisms of promoting the development of e-commerce, shopping around for development, electronic authentication, network, online transactions, and payment services, and other topics, has introduced a series of policies, regulations and standards to the construction of suited to e-commerce and the development of the institutional environment for exploring.Development of e-commerce issues still exist with some of the more prominent. Is to promote innovation and development of traditional modes of production and management of e-commerce has not been brought into full play the role, contributions to economic restructuring and value creation potential has not been fully revealed. Second, e-commerce business model is not yet mature, service capabilities to be enhanced, service levels have yet to be improved, have yet to be expanding the scope of services.Third, institutional environment for the development of electronic commerce are not perfect, and delayed the construction of related laws and regulations, public services to be enhanced and market supervision, strengthen the development of credit system, infringement of intellectual property rights on the Internet and making and selling of counterfeit and shoddy commodities, malicious fraud, crime and other problems occur, network difficult dealing with trade disputes, to a certain extent, affect the people on the development of e-commerceConfidence. ����Four is the institutional mechanism for promoting the development of e-commerce to be sound, investment and financing environment needs to be improved, statistics and strengthen the monitoring and evaluation work, society's understanding of e-commerce to be further enhanced, cyberspace law of economic activities to be further explored. (B) the situation with industrialization, informationalization and urbanization, marketization in our countryAnd the deepening of international development, e-commerce will usher in a period of strategic opportunities to accelerate development. Put forward new demands for economic transformation and upgrading to e-commerce development. The "Twelve-Five" period, China's economic development constraints facing resource and environment enhancement, irrational industrial structure, imbalance in the relationship between investment and consumption and other major issues, needs to be deep integration into economic development and industrialization through informatizationType. ����There is an urgent need for further use of e-business in enterprise production management mode, enhance the efficiency of industrial organization, stimulate market activity, optimizing the allocation of resources, promote energy-saving emission reduction, promote positive role in the development of new services, promote the readjustment of the industrial structure, pulling the domestic market demand, creating new economic growth points. Transformation of social structure and concept of electron businessNew space development. "Twelve-Five", construction of Socialist new countryside and urbanization in China will further accelerate the pace of development, and productive way of urban and rural residents will change dramatically, per capita income increased, the consumption structure upgrading speed up, becoming the new consumer groups among the younger generation, while the total employment pressure and further highlight the structural contradictions. Needed bySpeeding up the development of e-commerce, promoting the public service system of urban-rural integration development, to better meet the resident consumption demand diversification, personalized, and the new expectations of a better life, stimulate the development of changing working methods and related services, optimize the structure of employment and alleviate employment pressures, the promotion of social harmony. Information technology continued to develop new conditions to the development of e-commerce.Broadband, convergence, security and pan-national information infrastructure to speed up the construction of the next generation, next generation mobile communication networks, next-generation Internet and digital radio and TV networks to speed up layout, triple and pushing. Represented by the cloud computing and Internet of a new rise of the information technology revolution that is focused on brewing new breakthroughs in the field. Intelligent search and social networking application formsNow. ����The development of new technologies for innovative development of e-commerce to provide better technical condition. Global competition and deepening of cooperation to the development of e-commerce with new challenges. E-commerce has become a vital tool for the global integration of production and organization, national initiative on the adoption of e-business competition for the allocation of resources, while increasing economic competitiveness, are also paying close attention to the development of e-commerceUncertainty, market risk. New advantage to win the international economic competition and cooperation, urgent need to speed up the development and practical e-business in China, combined with the "Introduction" and "going out" strategy, using "two markets and two kinds of resources", enhancing the capacity of China's industrial and resource organization, optimal positioning in the global industrial division layout, improve international competitiveness.Second, the guiding ideology, basic principles and development targets (a) guiding ideology with Deng Xiaoping theory and "three represents" important thought to guide, implement the scientific concept of development, based on the strategic objectives of building a well-off society, with scientific development as the theme, to serve to speed up the transformation of economic development as the main line, with innovation as the driving force of development, to spread and deepFocusing on the application of e-commerce, to create a good system and social environment for the protection of the environment, constantly improving the degree of industrial organization and resource allocation, and further play a strategic role in economic and social development of e-commerce. (B) basic principles of enterprise and Government. Fully exerting the principal role of enterprises in e-commerce development, persist in cityField guide, using market mechanisms to optimize the allocation of resources. ����Handling well the relationship between the Government and the market, creating a more conducive institutional environment for the development of e-commerce, integrated use of policies, services, funds and other means of promoting the development of e-commerce. Overall planning, actual combination. Adhere to the network economy and the real economy in close connection with the main directions of the development of comprehensive development in e-commerceApplication in the field, raising the level of e-business and related services, and strive to create a full range of e-commerce development environment, promotion of interregional coordinated development of e-commerce. Focus on innovation, pay attention to practical results. Promote the innovation of e-commerce applications, services, technology, and integrated, focused on improving the innovative development of e-commerce capabilities. Based on the demand-oriented, adhere to the creative, selecting the right entry pointApplicability and effectiveness, avoid blindly follow and speculation. Standard development and ensure public safety. Correctly handle the relationship between e-commerce development and standardization, the development in the specification, to regulate and promote development. A network environment secure and reliable basis, promote the subject and object of a real and effective network transactions, transactions may be in the process of identification, strengthening the punishment of dishonest behavior, formationTrusted e-commerce environment. (C) development goals overall objective is: by 2015, the further popularization of e-commerce, deepening, significantly increase the contribution of national economic and social development. Proportion of modern service industry in e-commerce are dramatically increased. E-commerce system sound, initially formed security network of credible, orderly business environment.Specific objectives are: e-commerce turnover quadrupled, breaking through the $ 18 trillion. Where e-commerce transactions between businesses more than $ 15 trillion. Online purchases and online sales account for purchases and sales of enterprises over and 50% respectively as a proportion of the total. Large enterprise network supply chain collaboration capabilities of basic building, part of the globalization of the industry leading enterprise business collaboration capabilitiesBegun to take shape. Regular application of e-commerce more than 60% of the total number of SMEs reached small and medium enterprises. Online retail turnover exceeded 3 trillion yuan, more than 9% per cent of total retail sales of social consumer goods. Mobile e-commerce transaction volume and the number of users reaches world advanced level. E-commerce service level significantly improved, a group of international influence of e-commerce and EnterpriseIndustry and service brands. Third, focus on (a) enhancing the role of large enterprise level e-commerce play a large force of e-commerce, and further promote the development of enterprise scale e-commerce application system and brand-building, raising the level of centralized procurement and transparency levels, enhance the enterprise's marketing ability. Further large industrial enterprise e-business applicationsAnd promote the purchase and sale of physical channels and interactive network marketing channel development, raising the level of supply chain and business collaboration. Large flow of Commerce and enterprise e-commerce to improve efficiency, expand distribution channels and market space. ����Encourage qualified enterprise e-commerce platform to the industry of transforming e-commerce platform. Box 1: large industrial enterprise e-commerce collaborationRaw materials, equipment manufacturing, consumer goods, industrial areas such as electronic information, the National Defense Science and technology, deepening the application of e-commerce, raising the level of supply chain management of large industrial enterprises. Boot large industrial enterprises to improve level of centralized purchasing online, establish a procurement platform with industry fame and influence, enhanced coordination of procurement actions and the competitiveness of enterprises. Support condition of e-commerceEnterprise user provides online procurement services for the industry, improving the coordination of procurement actions. Promote integration of e-commerce and enterprise operations and management information system, promoting inter-firm collaborative online research and development, design and manufacturing, enhancing industrial chain business collaboration capabilities. Support large industrial enterprises using e-commerce to enhance interoperability and downstream industry chain enterprises tera gold, promote productsDistribution and after-sales service levels improve. (B) promoting universal platform for promoting small and medium enterprises use third-party e-commerce e-commerce, online sales, procurement and other activities, improve the efficiency of production and distribution. Leading leading enterprises of middle and small enterprise into the purchase and sale of electronic commerce system, play in the small and medium enterprises in the industrial chain of specialized production and collaborationSupporting role. Encourage qualified independent development of e-commerce for SMEs, innovation business model, extending development space, improve market responsiveness. Encourages industry-oriented clusters and regional characteristic industry of third party e-commerce platform development, to help SMEs improve competitiveness through e-commerce. Steady advancement professional market development of e-commerce, Internet marketing and real cityInteractive development, good conditions for the application of e-commerce for SMEs. Column 2: development of small and medium enterprises support third-party e-commerce e-commerce platform for brand development, provide SMEs with information payment, financing, business agent, network security, storage, logistics and technical support services. Promote the professional market construction of conditional network trading platform, Joint buying and selling services network for SMEs. Support production and management mode innovation of small and medium sized manufacturing enterprises using e-commerce, online marketing and customer relationship management activities, expand domestic and foreign markets, improving business efficiency and effectiveness. Boot mode of circulation of small and medium business enterprises through innovation in e-commerce services, improve the ability of specialized services. Support of business in the community,Community industry and domestic service, small and medium enterprises using e-commerce services, the convenience of the residents. ����Accelerating the construction of e-commerce service system for SMEs, multi-channel e-commerce application skills and awareness of credit training. (C) to promote the positive development of agricultural development of key industry e-commerce e-commerce, promoting the development of agriculture and agricultural products circulation system, broadening caused by farmersRich channels. Promoting e-commerce and industry, promoting industrial transformation from manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing. Deepening Commerce and trade circulation in e-commerce applications, accelerating transformation and upgrading of traditional commerce and industry. Encourage comprehensive and industry information service platform of deep mining industry information resource, expand services, creative services, raising the level of information services. Promoting commodity electronicTrading platform development, innovative business models, entities and the formation of interactive development of trade services. ����Promoting transport, railways, postal services, culture, tourism, education, health care and financial industry applications such as e-commerce, promote the transformation of industry service. Column 3: focus on industry innovation and development of e-commerce and deepen the modern agricultural production organization and supermarket chains hangingHook for e-commerce, promotion of agriculture-related e-commerce platform construction. Support the wholesale market and supermarket development of large shopping malls, e-commerce, innovation of business models. Promoting the development of e-commerce of food and drug industry, reduce distribution costs, increase fine levels of administrative and security responsibility back. Further promotion of aviation, railway, road and water transport industry, such as speeding up the development of electronic ticketing,E-invoice service. Encourages postal, express and logistics businesses relying on solid Web development e-commerce. ����Developing e-business of tourism, tourism development mode innovation, cultivation of modern travel service brand. (D) promoting the retail network development encouraging the production, distribution and service companies on a large scale retail development network, actively develop appropriate goods and services. Tissue cultureCode for operation finishing a number of reputable tera power leveling, online retail enterprises. Development code for transaction security, service improvement, management and network retailer city orderly competition. Consolidation of business in the community service resources, e-commerce development community. Promote online shopping population growing fast. Expanding the network of retail goods and services offerings, broaden the online retail channel to meet consumer demands at different levels. Development of aE-commerce in the world, for second-hand goods trading, facilitate access to services such as daily life. Column 4: retail network development support enterprise brand, consumers ' individual demand, actively exploring the development of the network of direct sales model. Support the circulation channel of retail expansion network, combined with solid stores and logistics distribution system, to promoteUnder the Internet interaction, meet the needs of different levels of consumer demand. Platform for promoting online retail enterprises and perfect service, standardized operation, promote the efficient, safe and reliable network of new consumption patterns and healthy development, support enterprises to create international brand of retail networks. Upgrade network with independent intellectual property rights of digital content products and services share of retail. Boot-related companies expand circulation serviceSystem, community-oriented, rural, non-network users with network services such as retail and distribution, consumption, and convenient life. ����Encourages the use of micro-blogging, Group buys, social networking and other innovation model of development of retail networks. (E) Government procurement e-commerce development level and actively promoting the construction of Informationization of government procurement, accelerate the construction of national e-government procurement of tubeTrading platform, exploring the use of government procurement transactions platform management and operational coordination of the implementation of all aspects of government procurement-hydraulic, progressive realization of business transactions and processes for sharing information on government procurement of electronic operations, further standardize government procurement practices, improve the efficiency of government procurement of funds. Column 5: Government procurement e-commerce insists on "open, fair,Just "principles of perfecting government procurement e-commerce standards, actively promote the building of government procurement management and the integration of electronic trading systems, procurement management and departmental budget, cohesion and other funds and asset management, central local supplier base, commodity information, experts, and sharing of information among agencies, regulate the operation execution, perfect gamesSystem, improve the efficiency and quality of procurement, promotion of online "sunlight procurement" project. (Vi) promoting cross-border e-commerce encourages collaborative development conditions of large enterprises "going out", for the global resources market, actively carry out cross-border e-commerce, participate in global market competition, promote products, services, quality improvement and brand-building, more closely into theBall system. Encourage domestic enterprises to strengthen interregional cooperation of e-commerce, promoting the development of regional economic cooperation in depth direction. ����Encouraged trade and business services enterprise through the expansion of e-commerce import-export agency business, innovative services to help SMEs to improve international competitiveness. Column 6: cross-border e-commerce focused on promoting the development of cross-border trade-oriented multilingual electronicCommerce Platform construction. Supporting e-commerce enterprises on the Mainland, Taiwan, ASEAN, SCO and surrounding areas such as cross-border cooperation in Northeast Asia, support in the border areas, the degree of industrial concentration of high regional construction of cross-border e-commerce platform. Accelerating e-commerce application of international standards and national standards. Boot provides SMEs with e-commerce Enterprise electronic document handling and customs clearance, Rebates, foreign exchange, insurance and financing, "one-stop" services, improve the responsiveness of the small and medium enterprises on the international market. ����Continue to promote electronic customs clearance and paperless trade, improve the efficiency of cross-border e-commerce. (VII) continue to promote the development of mobile e-commerce encourages the body to strengthen cooperation, expand based on next-generation mobile communications, Internet, and other new technologies of mobile electronic commerceApplication works. Promotion of mobile e-commerce application from the services and public service area extends to the fields of industrial and agricultural production and productive services, actively promote mobile commerce in "three agriculture" demonstration and extension of the focus areas. Strengthening the development of mobile e-commerce technology and equipment, perfecting the system of mobile e-commerce technology. Speed up the development and improvement of mobile e-commerce related technologiesStandard and business specifications. Column 7: pilot model to accelerate the promotion of mobile payment, mobile e-commerce bus ticketing, utility payment and mobile commerce applications such as supermarket shopping demonstration and popularization. Focused on promoting mobility in agricultural production and distribution of e-commerce, business management, safety, environmental monitoring, pilot applications in the areas of logistics and tourism services.Enhanced mobile intelligent terminals, smart cards and chips, card reading machines and safety management of key generic technologies, such as independent research and development. Support operators to establish secure and trusted application management platform. Promoting close communication (NFC), machine to machine (M2M) technology development and application of standards. For different applications, coordination of developing technical standards and operational practices.Promoting the formulation and popularization of national standards for mobile payments. ����Promote mobile industry chain and the application of e-commerce related subjects in the field of strengthening cooperation, speed up business model innovation and mechanism innovation of social collaboration. (H) to promote the coordinated development of support system for e-commerce contract compliance of online and offline transactions credit record, promote the development of online credit services�� Speeding up the construction of e-commerce development need socialization of logistics system, optimization of logistics distribution center of public, transit distribution stations, distributed network of logistics facilities, such as community planning, and actively explore the culture, of industry development mode of logistics information platform. Innovative payment services to encourage the payment of institutions, rich payment products, promoting mobile payment, phone payments, prepaid cardsThe healthy and orderly development of emerging electronic payment business, meet the diversification and individualization of payment in e-commerce activities demand. Push for improving the electronic payments business rules, technical standards, guide and supervise the paying agent specification for operation. Encourage the development of international settlement service, enhancing the support capacity for the development of cross-border e-commerce. Encouraging e-commerce enterprises and support enterprises to strengthen cooperation, promoteFlow credit, financing, insurance, payment, collaborative development, testing and certification services. Column 8: integrated support system for e-business innovation to improve the logistics enterprise Informationization level, promotion of integrated innovation of logistics services and e-commerce. Promoting commodities, such as coal, steel, plastic and food healthy development of electronic transactions and integrated logistics services. Promote the courier, LTL, cityDistribution enterprises based on information in raising the level of social services, enhanced online support capabilities. Application demonstration of the timely start of things in the field of logistics. Enhanced payment services innovation, promote the development of e-commerce and electronic payment integration, provide a convenient service for users. Guide e-business enterprise logistics enterprises, financial institutions and strengthening cooperation, explore the financial supply chainService innovation. (IX) technical support to improve security of e-commerce and conscientious implementation of electronic signature law, further development of reliable system of electronic signatures and certification services, improve the quality of certification services, innovative service models to promote secure electronic signatures, electronic authentication and e-contracts in the practical application of e-commerce in the unified system of certificate policyUnder the framework of promoting the mutual recognition of the electronic signature certificate interoperability, play an electronic signature guarantee, improve the safety and efficiency of electronic transactions. Encourage enterprise cloud services such as hardware, software, and system integration model, application for users with hardware, software, e-commerce and security services. Encourage communication operators to strengthen the construction of broadband infrastructure, improves next-generation communications networksCoverage and service levels, providing access for users of e-commerce services such as applications, managed services and business solutions. ����Played leading and supporting roles at the national science and technology plan, and increase support for basic research, the key common technology of e-commerce, positive transformation, consulting and training, and so on. Column 9: electronic commerce technology development and industrializationFor e-business innovation development direction and general engineering issues, supported the construction of national key laboratories and national engineering research centers and Enterprise Technology Center. Strengthening the study on the basic theory of e-commerce, promotion of RFID, smart terminal, system integration, network and information security, independent research and development of core technology and key technology and industrialization. Enhanced electronic authentication, electronicSingle card, online payments, credit management and other e-commerce secure transactions technology innovation. Study on the development of innovative measures for the protection of intellectual property rights for e-commerce, better protection for e-commerce innovations. ����Study on financial innovation and industrialization of electronic commerce policies, implementation to support e-commerce tax policy of innovation and commercialization. Four, policyMeasures (a) to strengthen their organization and ensure inter-ministerial coordination mechanisms of the joint e-commerce role to play, enhanced e-commerce to promote collaborative work departments, implement and strengthen macro guidance for Governments on the development of e-commerce. Uphold the principle of coordination of integrated, dynamic, innovative e-commerce management mechanism, strengthen the relevant departments in policy development, trial, major projectsNorm-setting and other aspects of the coordination, formation of management and service together. All local governments to establish a coordination mechanism for promoting work and integrate e-commerce into regional development planning. ����To give full play to the relevant industry associations, leading enterprises, intermediary organizations, institutions and experts team's active role in promoting electronic commerce, such as. (B) establishing a sound e-commerce integrityDevelopment environment create based on sincerity, trustworthiness of social credit environmental incentives and credit corrections. Promotion of sector guidance, industry organizations, enterprises and consumers to participate in e-business self-discipline norm-setting work, vigorously promoting enterprise and industry self-regulation. Encourage eligible third party credit services, enterprise e-commerce platform, in accordance with the principles of independence, impartiality, objectivity, Credit information, such as resource utilization contract the performance, business credit assessment for e-commerce business entities, providing credit services to trading parties. Full population, countries such as corporate and geo-spatial databases as well as the basis and the basis of banking credit information databases such as synergy, promoting e-commerce credit information and related information in other areas of society in order to Exchange and share,Supporting social credit system construction. ����Promoting e-commerce enterprises classified regulation of credit, guide enterprises to honesty and business. (C) raising the level of public services and e-commerce market regulation promote the convergence of e-Government and e-commerce, to provide a more effective service. Ordered by law to promote open government information resources services, improving the socialization and marketizationUtilization level, improve the e-commerce environment. Raising the level of port development, promoting information exchange between relevant agencies, business collaboration, optimized tax e-payment system, enhancing the efficiency of customs clearance of e-commerce. Establishment of interdepartmental regulation of e-commerce coordinating mechanisms. Urges network operators in particular, network trading platform to effectively carry out their responsibilities, law-abiding business, strengthenThe law, maintain order in the e-commerce market. Of goods and services on the Internet according to the law on the licensing regulation, strengthening the network information service, network transactions, product and service quality supervision. Ways and means of strengthening the supervision of innovation, accelerate the construction of supervisory information system of e-commerce platform, realize the modernization of technical means of monitoring, implementation of network business subject, object andRegular monitoring of the process, realization of on-line inspection of normality. (D) step up efforts to combat illegal organization according to law on e-commerce network special treatment for illegal trading, exploring the establishment of effective governance mechanisms, put an end to the illegal importation of online sales. Innovation of social management, establishing complaint and active finding a combination of mechanisms, increased use of commercial networksFraud, pyramid schemes, intellectual property infringement, invasion of privacy, violation of trade secrets, and sales of fake and shoddy goods, publication of false and illegal advertising activity such as unfair competition of the crackdown. ����Full use of the means of management and technology, enhanced e-commerce websites are authentic. (E) improve rights protection mechanisms to actively study and exploration under the environment of network effectively eliminatingSystem of rights and measures to promote 12,315 related consumer rights protection system to extend the field of e-commerce. Open network channels to protect consumer rights, accepting consumer complaints in a timely manner and to investigate acts of infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Timely warning information publishing Internet transaction risks, improve risk awareness network of consumers and operators. Instructing and supervising website operators to buildLegislature sound system of consumer protection, consumer complaints and in site settings links to electronic identification, and other forms. Strengthening the construction of e-commerce dispute mediation mechanism. Insist on combining prevention and mediation, establishing separation and mediation methods. Encourages parties with their own circumstances consultations resolve online disputes. Urge trading platform to establish data security mechanisms, implementation of electronic businessResponsibility should be made in the dispute to help parties resolve disputes. Explore through the arbitration system, resolving e-commerce disputes, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. Full play the role of judicial protection through legal proceedings, including tera power leveling, properly handle various complex issues and e-commerce disputes. Pursuant to the relevant provisions of the tort liability Act, dealing with network abuses.(F) strengthen the construction of electronic commerce laws and regulations and standards in the implementation of existing laws and regulations on the basis of and continue to promote the construction of e-commerce-related laws and regulations, studies to determine overall, adjusting the scope of the e-commerce legislation and norms. Preparing the work according to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations. Strengthening of legal interpretation, enhancing the existing laws and regulationsApplicability in the field of e-commerce and operational. For network issues such as promotions, electronic contract and collecting payment, accelerating research of corresponding administrative regulations and laws and regulations. Actual needs of different business forms for e-business development, accelerate e-commerce service specifications and technical standards amendment and application. Standardization of investing in e-commerce services, promoting e-commerce serviceEnterprise earnestly perform their duties and responsibilities, improve transaction identification mechanisms, improved e-commerce information, credit services, online transactions, electronic payment, logistics, after-sales services, dispute services specification level. (VII) improving a wide range of investment and financing of investment and financing mechanism to further expand the e-commerce e-commerce channels, strengtheningBusiness innovation and venture capital support. Cultivation and development of venture capital to promote risk capital to support e-business innovation and entrepreneurship. Encourage entities in information construction of enterprises increase investment in e-commerce. Encourage financial institutions to enhance e-commerce credit. Strengthening the guidance of government financial support for social investment and leading role, forming the Government GuideInvestment and the investment and finance mechanism of social capital into complementary. ����Strengthening the assessment of the effects of investment and financing. (H) strengthen e-commerce statistics monitoring, strengthening the relevant ministries, local and relevant agencies of the joint, study and improve the statistical index system of e-commerce development and statistical analysis methods, and gradually establish a nation-wide survey of e-commerce systems to enhance e-commerceHot spots and the study of the relationship between the real economy. Full use of the existing e-commerce business related departments contact mechanism, encourage trade associations and social service organizations to actively participate in monitoring dynamic e-commerce development work, encouraging strengthened around the area dynamic monitoring of the development of e-commerce, expanding access to information channels. E-commerce statistics published work, strengtheningPolicy guidance. (I) accelerate the positive-guided e-commerce talents in colleges and universities with the necessary conditions, strengthening discipline construction and talent cultivation of e-commerce, e-commerce development provides more high quality expertise. Vocational education and training institutions of the community are encouraged to develop a multi-level system of education and training, training can understand business, and information technology skillsBusiness talent. Developing e-business training for senior managers. ����Encourage qualified areas to create a good business environment to attract and help growth of creative talents with a global vision. (J) strengthen international cooperation actively to participate in e-commerce-related activities of international organizations, serious international e-commerce regulations, standardsAnd implement research and active participation in the establishment and revision of the standard specification, and actively participate in international bilateral and multilateral treaties and agreements relating to e-commerce work, promoting the development of e-commerce in China and international connection. Ministry of industry and information technology lead, combined with relevant departments in planning protocols work, and enhance all aspects of the implementation of the community planning initiative and enthusiasm. Establish a dynamicEvaluation mechanisms, dynamic monitoring of outcomes on the planning and implementation stages of the implementation, discover planning problems in the implementation process, make adjustments to the plan in due course. Enhance cross-sector, cross-industry, cross-regional exchange of planning and implementation experience, constantly raise the level of work. Others:

