
tera gold 1 - PBJ

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Reporters recently in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Foshan and other research informed that in the case of foreign and domestic economic environments become more complex, Enterprise orders decline, high cost, difficult issues such as digestion, rising trade barriers. Enterprises can boost profit margins for some time in the future, made in China how to completely depend on how to deal with theThese tests. Slowdown in macroeconomic operations announced by the National Bureau of statistics, 1, national industrial enterprises above the designated size 606 billion yuan in profits, down 5.2%. ����Since 2009, this is the profits of industrial enterprises above the designated size shrank for the first time. Guangdong provincial government staff officer, Institute of economic studies, Jinan University ProfessorHe Wentao, macroeconomy, showing slow, is a concentrated expression of the multiple factors of domestic and international economic environment since 2011. ����She said that small and medium enterprises "ischemic" serious, serious impact to the development is one of the important reasons for the decline of profits of industrial enterprises. Global market group operations, General Manager of Pan Jianyue said, enterprises in addition to the European debt crisis, trade barriers, International economic factors such as anti-dumping causing foreign markets outside the weak demand tera power leveling, due to the loss of competitiveness of domestic industry also led to some loss of orders began. ����Clothing, for example, costs $ 14 jeans in Guangdong Province, in Viet Nam, and may drop to $ 7, so part of the order is transferred to the Southeast. Enterprise "as if it were roasted on the fire"Some business owners told reporters that now enterprise "as if it were placed on the fire Grill, stand, unable to die". Represented by the industrial enterprises of China's main problems in manufacturing: order continuing to tighten, waves and expansion of enterprises. Dongguan South China outdoor products, Ltd General Manager Wang Rujun said, should have been in the second quarter of this year sales of the season, but did notMong Kok, received orders y/y in the first quarter with 20%. Dongguan Bureau of foreign trade and economic cooperation official said tera gold, under the influence of weak European market, Enterprise orders declined by 15% per cent currently. ����According to the track questionnaire survey of 300 companies, is expected to decline in export orders was flat for the year 2012 and enterprises of more than 70%. Enterprise costContinued rising. ����Foshan ceramic limited liability company Chairman Chen Yanbin poets Gough said, ceramic products widely used in glaze price from 170,000 yuan per ton last year rose to about $ 400,000 now tera gold, in some products accounting for a total cost of 30%. "Raw material price increases, workers cannot afford to pay, lower prices, and in appreciation, Enterprise bulls 'Gas '. "Some reflected, since the beginning of this year, business costs and continued the rise since last year. According to data of the National Centre for foreign exchange trading, on March 27, the Yuan central parity rate against the dollar 6.284, earned three consecutive business days since the change record. ����Just this past year, Renminbi appreciation against the dollar by about 5%. Trade wallBarrier. ����On January 20, 2012, the United States decided to continue the anti-dumping duty on imports of Furfuryl alcohol from China on March 20, United States on galvanized steel wire for three categories of Chinese imports, such as United States of products made of anti-dumping or anti-subsidy investigation ruling, for the subsequent imposition of anti-dumping or countervailing duties for these products cleared the way. Last year domestic industry victims of trade protection measures,Questions highlighted. Foshan ceramic industry as an example, the EU on China's ceramic industry in the 2011 levy punitive tariffs of up to 69.7%. ����Director of the Office of the Association of ceramic industry in Foshan, China Blue guards say, in January of this year the total value of exports to Europe fell 15%, difficult to reverse the trend of export value fell in the first quarter. Crisis is expected to change business opportunitiesExperts believe that in the context of slowing economic growth, only took the lead in "a new man" of enterprise, to turn crises into opportunities in the business, new development opportunities. ����As for the Government, policies on employment protection, promote the healthy development of the economy also plays a vital role. Pan Jianyue said, enterprises should strive to expand the market in external demand, consolidationWhile manpower market, fully opening up ASEAN, Middle East, Russia, South America and Africa and other emerging markets. ����When going out, group of manufacturing enterprises in China need to establish a high quality brand, play groups, gathering resources and channels, and improve profitability. "Enhance the efficiency of enterprise management is in difficulty. "De Feng electric industries, Ltd operating Vice President Lin Jianlian said,Customers in Europe will be 4 months in advance before place an order now 1 month in advance, reduced time requirements of companies in the logistics management, procurement of raw materials, such as extrusion, slightly due to poor links to on-time delivery. To cultivate new growth point, is the long-term issue of industrial enterprises and made in China. Responsible person of the Guangzhou Bureau of proposals, to take practical and effective measuresEffects of promoting healthy development of industrial economy. ����Focus on the development of the next generation of information technology, biotechnology, new materials, new energy and new energy vehicles, energy-saving environmental protection, marine engineering, six strategic industries, make the strategic industries supporting industries of new growth points. "Our current financial system is Bank support for large enterprises, small and medium-sized financial institutions, to support small and medium enterprises, thereStrong and weak weak support. ����"He Wentao recommend positive support guarantee companies, small loan companies, small and medium-sized financial institutions development, enterprise development," blood transfusion ", at the same time should quicken the pace of marketization of interest rate, guiding private investment into the industry. (Reporter European meadow Hill, Huang Mei) Others:

