
tera gold there are a number of related to green the Earth - RPO

129773984751718750_27Securities Times reporter Wu Zelin stock company research reports published specifications are regulators pay close attention to the problem. Recent national securities Association of China in Beijing brokerage research reports published specifications for business exchange and training, the exchange of training focused on the content of research and publication requirements, normative systems of regulation, self-regulation as well as some typicalComment on the case.  Securities Times reporter has learned, involving research and production processes tera gold, information, specifications, the power of media content, such as research and practice criteria will also be introduced in the near future. Issues research report has been surrounding the second half of 2010, reached more than stock, Hunan finance securities brokerage has published a research report on China Baoan, according to research reported in the China Baoan has extensiveGraphite mine resources tera gold, causing China Baoan shares soar.  A quarter of last year, China Baoan published clarification announcement, said the company does not have a graphite mentioned in the study of mineral resources, share prices also tumbled. Brokerage on China Baoan "issues research report" is by no means the case. Japan Securities published in Ningbo joint studies of up to 100,000 tons of antimony reserves are equally fullSubject to public questioning.  In addition, there are a number of related to green the Earth, deep, Fuling hot pickled mustard tuber of listed companies, such as research, brokerage research to the forefront of public opinion, also attracted the attention of regulators. Inquiry for further regulating securities companies will publish, Chinese securities industry association in Beijing recently organized a national brokerage research reports published specifications for business exchangeTraining.  According to an Exchange training brokerage agency, the exchange of training content mainly around the research and publishing requirements, normative systems of regulation, self-regulation, and analysis of some typical cases as a warning. "The future we will further strengthen the study's quality audit link, such as an inquiry report released before and confirm the accuracy of the information of the listed companies. "Participating in this round of cultureTraining exchange brokers said.  In addition, it was learned that after extensive comments in the industry, card association will be introduced in the near future about publishing research reports details of practice criteria, which will cover the development of process control, information use, authorized media publishing, and more. Brokerage sources should be strengthened checks on "issues research report" frequency out, brokerage research capabilities have been questioned on the backUnder the King, SFC Chairman Mr Guo also said publicly that China securities company research capabilities at a very low level, on the whole, it is difficult to form a value investing Guide.  Review the current controversial "issues research report", there is a lack of demonstration of value analysis of listed company, research methods used simple analogies, and other features. An inquiry on sky-high mustard, such as certain brokers publishingReport, and later confirmed by the media, the researcher of securities companies were not carried out field research on listed companies.  In fact, if the brokerage research reports published in verifying the sources carefully before, might reduce a case inquiry report "Black Dragon". "In order to make these studies reported information richer, analysts will use a variety of ways to understand the situation of listed companies, some analysts in order to suckThe eye, also references the ' hearsay ' gossip. "A researcher said the brokerage industry in Shenzhen.  It is understood that because of cost considerations, some brokers said few of listed companies to the scene of the Institute for field research, but to browse the company's Web site, trade associations, listed phone interviews to understand the company's progress on the project. Secondly, some brokers research newspaperLack of scientific research methods in use, used for industry growth forecast method of a simple analogy. "Most of the research report on the industry's growth is expected to follow a certain growth rate estimates, and there is no actual market factors into consideration.  "A medium-sized brokerages funded Department for investment research said. However, as the industry further specification, brokerage research reports on information sources in the futureManagement will be more stringent. People in the industry are expected tera power leveling, in the forthcoming study on reporting practice criteria, emphasizes the management of brokers to strengthen information-gathering links, such as the prohibition of market rumours of authenticity cannot be identified as the basis for equity research report conclusions. Others:

