
tera gold Yinan Wang - JSY

129770845682656250_2Pan Changjiang and Qu Ying Sina entertainment produced by the great cause of the Chinese, Hua Yuan, and directed Bao Jiming, Guo degang (microblogging), Ambrose Hui (microblogging), Zhang Xinyu (micro-blogging) and Yinan Wang (Twitter) lingxianzhuyan city of tender comedy 囧 way released April 1 April Fools ' day of passion. The movie stars gathered, famous actress Ying Qu, Pan Changjiang (micro-blogging) portraitCameo, breaking the image played a pair of "crazy pyramid" combination of two-man comedy show's eyes light up. Qu Ying Pan Changjiang decoration crazy pyramid selling movie of the 囧 pedestrian to car Center for story leads, meticulous depiction of urban life in different populations, to finance, marketing, and other social hot spots also are involved. Qu Ying Pan Changjiang of the partner groupPlayed two crazy pyramid scheme operators, although the show is not much tera power leveling, but years of comedy performances of Foundation so that two people performing relaxation (Twitter), the film has more "囧" color, eyes bright. It is reported that the episode occurred in Yinan Wang, Zhang Xinyu, Ambrose Hui Guo degang came "mean" truth, they staged a campaign ironically in the restaurantThing.  Introduction, although this story is only 3 minutes long tera gold, but enough are exaggerated comedy, to be relaxed and humorous way to expose the truth about fraud MLM organizations, both from art and subject matter is a connecting link between the role as well as social beings in a market economy. Of the 囧 way about "囧 comedy" 囧 way earlier the people have to "Land-atmosphere "story has aroused strong repercussions, now movie the 囧 way j creation angle at the city, focused to the greatest concern of" car "topics, Guo degang, Yinan Wang, Zhang Xinyu, Ambrose Hui four-bit protagonists's stories are built around the car tera gold, full of sweets and bitters of urban white-collar workers. Film tells a group paralysis of the 囧 way the spirit of "material controlled" carefullyOrganization of network "group buying", this film is to make everyone laugh or cry "囧 comedy". "Stingy businessman" Guo Lihang (Guo degang ornaments), "single mother left contractor" Yan Xiaolian (Yinan Wang ornaments), "Merry petty men" Chen Bo (Twitter) (Ambrose Hui ornaments), "cyber control white collar" Yi Rong (Zhang Xinyu decoration) four people because of different personal purpose groupA "car", resulting in a series of "囧" thing. (It was the field) of the 囧 way fantastic realistic ground gas released on April Fool's day (picture) video: films of the 囧 囧 drama propaganda film the way the car way publish announcements of Guo degang comedy take the 囧 way April 1 Premiers Yinan Wang was invincible superwoman of the 囧 way 4Months 1st released with audience into cinema heard cross car in 囧 way under April released humor interpretation alternative life (figure) car in 囧 way under drama analysis group spell car does not absurd car in 囧 way under concern reality Director: took one received geogas comedy car in 囧 way under on April 1 released Guo degang interpretation decent moneybags car in 囧 way under will map popularity Mong Kok celebrity force is offered message Others:

