
swtor credits and not as "big" are monetary funds out. Thus - WFN

129770904110625000_42Since the last two weeks, a dozen of monetary funds, both "closed refuse t meet visitors or guests" publication suspended large purchase notice, for large purchase, directly above a certain amount rejected.  On the ground, and basic is "in order to ensure the smooth operation of the Fund to prevent arbitrage funds, protection of the interests of the holders of the Fund". Monetary Fund "refuse t meet visitors or guests" often appears in the annual holidayBefore. This is because during the long holiday, stock market bond markets are closed, while the Monetary Fund profit every day. Many funds do not want to idle and would rather turn to the International Monetary Fund. However, the big money into, diluted the interests of holders of the old, "stolen" portion of the profitable fruit. Thus, some high income, responsible for monetary funds tend to suspend a large purchase. So, now there is no longerThe worry, why the IMF "major anti-thief-proof"? IMF group "refuse t meet visitors or guests" since March 12, the Monetary Fund continue to publish notice of the company, declared "closed refuse t meet visitors or guests". In just two weeks, changsheng monetary funds, investment cash value added monetary funds, harvest Fund, Bo cash monetary funds, when UBS International Monetary Fund, ChinaPrincipal cash Fuli Monetary Fund have suspended a large purchase. On a large purchase, found from "$ 100,000" to "$ 50 million".  Meanwhile, a dozen bond funds have suspended a large purchase. Facing reporters ' questions, long Sheng Liang Ting Monetary Fund of funds Manager explains: "because since the beginning of this year's short-term bond yields falling, monetary baseGold holdings of bonds increase in value, money is changing the current earnings of the Fund, as a result in the first quarter, particularly in the first 2 months, IMF, 7th annual yield level is significantly higher than the interest rate level in the money market in the same period, the net purchase of monetary funds are more. However, as money market yields fall ahead, Monetary Fund high yield to long lasting. AFor a responsible attitude to new investors on the other, but also for the protection of the interests of the holders of the original, so companies have taken the limited purchase. "According to the data swtor credits, as of March 20, changsheng currency recently, 7th annual yields of up to 7.116%. Focus on financial market investors are found, especially on February 24 this year the Central Bank reducedSince the deposit reserve rate, yields on bank financial products has dropped dramatically, exception of the income of small commercial banks and some 5% products, several rows have been hard to find more than 5% products.  So why are yields far exceed the Monetary Fund banking product? Blog cash income fund of funds Manager Zhang Yong told a press conference: "the IMF is cost, And other products in the market is the market. Is early to buy higher-yielding assets and continued to support Monetary Fund portfolio returns. But investment income has declined. "This reporter has learned that the IMF reflects" the gains of the past ", as higher-yielding, thus showing income remained relatively high. In contrast, bank financing products reflect a "Future benefits ", reflected the declining trend in yields ahead. Zhang Yong reminded: "short-term yields, are typically sell bonds obtained capital gains. Changes in short-term gains, did not have a strong representation of recommendations concern long time gain of level. "Spring river plumbing money quiet relaxing duck Prophet. IMF worried that large capitalGold purchase, also reflects the market increasingly lax. Zhang said: now have so much funds to purchase the International Monetary Fund, which is a reflection of the easing of liquidity, from investment point of view, present future trends in the stock market is not clear, differences in market sentiment is large, and monetary funds have an advantage of income relatively, thus attracting a large sums of moneyAttention. Recently, analysts also said the credit line below the credit target in the first quarter, liquidity or lower than expected. So, the current tight liquidity in the end is loose is? Zhang Yong think: measuring liquidity in many indices, his personal opinion, do main repo rate fixed-income investments, current repo rate decline significantly compared to last year, note under capital mobility significantly better than last yearFor half a year. Any time, any things all have both positive and negative factors, depending on which dominated. Liquidity in the banking system was first manifested, central banks use repo and not the issue central to return funds.  7-day repurchase is expected to return to normal levels of around 2%, average this year is expected to be 3%. Base of domestic cash management tools with falling inflation, liquidityPine case, investors are most concerned about is that the money Fund yields can be maintained at a high level? Long Sheng Liang Ting Monetary Fund of funds Manager said: "has been a significant drop in interest rates in the money market, money Fund yields will be reduced, subsequent interest rates depended on macroeconomic trends and changes in monetary policy. "Zhang said:" money FundFrom 2011 to 2012 there will be a decline in yields, expected economic downturn in the first half, growth of Government support, gradually easing of monetary policy, reduced, interest rate cuts are likely. Current bond yield curve smoothing, one central and ten-year bonds are in the vicinity of 3.5% swtor credits, from the perspective of the history of this situation is not sustainable, either long side up or down on the short side, we expectProbability of the latter for cargo Foundation investment yields falling. From the year, base of domestic income may not be continued in the future high level will gradually return to normal levels, but reunification is not very good judgement. "But, even so, money Fund yields are still much better than current deposit interest rates. Financial Adviser pointed out that, of the many cash management tools, there are still many candidatesOptional single demand deposits, it is as if the technology of modern society continues to use "stone" as the main tool. Compared to demand deposits and currency funds, deposit cash, access diablo 3 power leveling, account monetary funds withdrawal the next day with the fastest from yields, IMF also has a big advantage. First domestic Monetary Fund: Hua an cash Fuli as an example, since its inceptionEvery year over the same period to beat the bank savings interest rates. Might as well figure accounts: If a person with $ 10,000 of assets, calculated according to the current demand deposit interest rate of 0.5%, deposit interest income is $ 50 for 1 year. If he had the money to purchase the International Monetary Fund, Hua an cash fully fund a 3.51% calculation of returns last year, $ 351 to $ 10,000 on investment at the beginning ofIncome, 7 times in current accounts. For most people, and not as "big" are monetary funds out. Thus, monetary funds as can be commonly used cash management tools. Others:

