
tera gold "newgame_on" - CSF

129773700843750000_58$(document).ready(function() { $(".newgame").hover(function() { $(this).addClass("newgame_on"); $(this).removeClass("newgame_out"); }, function() { $(this).addClass("newgame_out"); $(this).removeClass("newgame_on"); }); }); var __JS_DG_RANDOM = 5; News Home ranked picture count vectors global industry comments on the mainland figure topic special topics interview show to oil quotations 囧 news encyclopedia Atlas Redman ∴ > news > perfect world international edition > body 2012-03-27 09:54:23 "welcome correction/comment" "hot news TOP10" I would like to comment (0) [guided reading]var summarize=document.getElementById ("summarize_content"). innerHTML; if(typeof(summarize) != "undefined"ock"; } Homemade 3D online games will be launched on March 28, a new play-the perfect international-the most extreme damage.   New players in the game will enjoy the perfect international more blood stimulating gaming experience, but also is bound to push the perfect international one climax after another. People striving to be second to kill the King of a single blow, is perfectWarriors of the pursuit of the highest on the continent. In the perfect world, different career also has their own "sure win tactic", in order to let everyone who set foot on mainland perfect warriors have the opportunity to feel the seconds to kill the poor. The perfect international newly released "top attack" game, different occupations can according to their own abilities and other occupational damageCompetition. Play in the new "top attack" when available, all players can go to Wan streaming city elders receiving test their attack of the character, then the player can fully experience the charm and power of professional skills. The perfect international "top attack" game from which not only allows the player to see the perfect charming skills of five major races on the continent, gives me moreFelt felt the second slain.   Experiment with new game, the player can not only find pleasure from the competition, to be eligible for the top spot by all men worship, is now a brand new game are starting, all professional players, quickly entering the acting State! Outbreak of the week award this month on March 28, a brand new game online at the same time, rich prize is less tera power leveling, the player in the enjoymentWhen new games are fun tera gold, and win we are going to also include the ipad2, Thunder snake keyboard, Medal of honor and other generous gifts, and we were prepared for the attack highlighted the players not only prize, also got a lucky grand prize, as long as you participate in is likely to be good ~! If you're strength is also lucky enough, will also likely to win both awards!!Prizes ipad2: elect 3 lucky players a month, Apple ipad2 will each get 1 Tablet PC Medal of Honor: elect 3 lucky players per month, per person, you get 1 Medal of honor Thunder snake keyboard: select 3 lucky players every week, each person will receive 1 love annachie van Gogh spider Thunder snake keyboards need for pharmaceutical: weekly clothing lineRow top players will be one of the best pharmaceutical secret chips: elect 3 lucky players every week, mysterious chips for the players will each receive 5,000 interest, international operations teams have never changed over the years is the perfect aim! As a classic homemade 3D online games, the perfect international creates countless top moments. On-lineIn six years, new information on new versions and new game has been launched tera gold, constantly bring refreshing gaming experience to players. Has been the perfect international player-oriented, striving for perfection as a concept, in order to make players better in perfect enjoy the joy of the game on the continent, in six years, the perfect international launches new information, or open a new service comes asPlayers striving to offer absolute wonderful activity, and generous benefits, the player in the game when confronted with a problem, we are to solve, and we also have been working to near perfect game perfect, the perfect international in an increasingly competitive online market, struggling to carve out their own piece of heaven. "Editorial: empty cloud" published this article is only for delivery information, Does not mean that agree with their views, or confirm the description. Others:

