
price reduction commitments. So Rift Platinum price reduction commitments. So - HCMR

129823520839375000_660Chen Decheng: a steady growth and promoting the reform of income distribution-consumption Chen Decheng, since 2004, on income distribution reform message appears almost every programme will be published, but every "Thunder, bujianrenxialai". The latest news is that according to the economic information daily reported, formulated by the national development and Reform Commission-led reform of income distribution to be introduced in the second half. Currently, due to China's economic growth fell faster,"Steady growth" came up. Worthy of note is that for steady growth now Diablo 3 gold, if you do not pay attention, will be under the effect of path dependence, back to relying on the export of investment and fight the old road. Again such as credit easing trend, some places develop export growth target 10% may result in a moment of economic growth data is saved, readjustment of the economic structure andBig things with economies in transition has been delayed, adjustment costs more in the future. So, steady growth, most reliable, timely and reasonable means of starting third factors of economic growth, increasing consumption. Increased consumption to steady growth, beyond the necessity of in addition to the above, there is a huge possibility. Because of increased consumption of basic way is to increase the consumer's effective income�� Is the highest propensity to low-income groups in groups Diablo 3 Gold, but the current income level of absolute and relative proportions are very low. Therefore, as long as the income of low-income groups to quickly improve to a fair and reasonable proportion and level, China's consumption will improve soon, domestic demand will also get a lot of promotion, so you can change the current economic development pattern of investment and exports, steady increaseLong there is no longer a problem. According to the income 10% in Group and the lowest income groups with the highest income disparity, has risen from per cent in 1988 to the present 23 times. According to another scholar research, 1993 income 63.2% per cent of gross national income, and that by the year 2007, this ratio dropped to around 50%, 2010 43%. While income per cent of GDP in developed countries the proportion is 50% per cent, United States 65%, Japan 60%, United Kingdom at 71%. Accordingly, China's total financial revenue percentage in GDP, in the 90 's of the last century was 10% per cent, and in recent years has been around 30%. In the nationalIn the distribution of income, distribution of main is the Government, businesses and residents, States a proportion of higher and lower the proportion of residents. So now if you want to increase the effective income of the low-income groups in, of course, is tax relief. Distribution of workers in this way in the first distribution increased, and secondly in social spending, because of declining consumption tax, value-added tax, indirectlyTo enhance the consumer's income. Increased consumption by income distribution reform means steady growth also has an important, is to break the monopolies, open competition. Currently there are monopolies in economic and consumer areas, once breaking open competition, immediately relevant field of consumer prices down sharply Diablo 3 gold, amounts to improve the consumer's income will boost consumption�� In petroleum refinery and sales area, for example, several major oil companies have been reporting losses, but private enterprise in disadvantaged circumstances can profit. If you open more private capital into, must promote effective consumer incomes rose. And, for example in the area of telecommunications, in anti-dumping investigations, telecommunications giant swift speed, price reduction commitments. So, if a valid breakThe monopoly in the field, effective income of the low-income groups in China will inevitably rise, consumption will expand and promote economic growth. Others:

