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129823520560000000_70Wanda AMC is believed to be drag down real estate business merger and acquisition capital chain bearing serious In May, for the film, officially opened the competition every year the most important summer prologue. May of 2012, by a huge investment, special effects dazzle Hollywood blockbuster Avengers Alliance fired first. After the release on May 5, the large tracts of the world's total box office was US $ 1.18 billion, becoming box office ever fourth place, by virtue of this,Most grossing film in Disney history top spot. In fact, in the face of increasing box office, dark cool and definitely the issuer, at this time, with touying playing big-screen more, theater companies can gain more from a high box office earnings. Obviously, 726 of Wanda cinema screens in the acquisition of United States's second-largest theater AMCHou, added 5,028 screens will bring its box office bonus of at least 7 times. And that, perhaps only Wang Jianlin cinema business to United States one of the objectives. Look beautiful during the two years of hard negotiations, the morning of May 21, Dalian Wanda group and ranked second in the world United States AMC theater company finally signed a merger agreement. It is understood that theMergers and acquisitions the total transaction amount to $ 2.6 billion, including the purchase of 100% shares of the company and assume debts in two parts. While Wanda commitments, put into operation after the merger of funds not exceeding $ 500 million, Wanda total pay US $ 3.1 billion for the deal. Wanda after acquiring AMC company, the AMC theater and also has the world's second ranked first in Asia Wanda cinemas, therefore,Wanda real will become the world's largest cinema operator. According to Wanda Group Chairman Wang Jianlin described at a news conference, the merger is not only Chinese private-owned enterprises in the United States with the largest merger and acquisition of enterprises, and Chinese cultural industry's largest overseas acquisition. Data show that the AMC was established in 1920, based in Kansas City. Last year, the aMC annual revenues of around US $ 2.5 billion, viewing number of 200 million people, about 20,000 employees. There were 346 home theater owned by AMC, a total of 5,028 screens, IMAX screen 120, 2,170 3D screen, IMAX and 3D screen is the world's largest carrier. In total US box office up to 50 home theater, AMC occupies 23.Wanda cinema is currently the number one cinema in Asia. Last year, Wanda cinemas box office revenues of more than $ 1.78 billion, ranking first in the country. Wanda opened five-star studios throughout the country at 86 the number, a total of 730 screens, IMAX screen for 47, 15% box office share to occupy the country. Since 2005, Wanda cinemas annually to 100 blocksGrowth in explosive growth of the silver screen. Wang Jianlin, not including AMC, Wanda is also looking to Europe and other countries such as mergers and acquisitions of large cinema, Wanda group targets by 2020 of about 20% market share of the global film market. It is understood that Wanda from the first half of 2010 started with AMC shareholders and management negotiation on merger and acquisition matters, to 20March 12, the report project information obtained confirmation from the national development and Reform Commission. After the two sides signed, Wanda will complete the corresponding approval of the relevant government ministries in China, while the deal made in United States Government related agencies approved the formal delivery. Shadow capital according to the hurun report rich list of statistics, Wang Jianlin was worth $ 7.1 billion, the $ 3.1 billion acquisition of AMC has almostLevels of up to half of its worth. The other hand, has always insisted on rapid development and rapid turnover of Wanda, money has been tight at State, while Wanda has never recognized this, but this has long been an open secret in the industry of real estate. Therefore, Wanda the acquisition of funding is still so full of imagination. 21st press conference scene, from including ICBC, in and outBank, China Merchants Bank, Bank of Beijing and representatives of banks, such as bank appears in the Bohai Sea. It is understood that Wanda is one of the earliest attempts of commercial mortgage business, industrial and commercial bank, Bank of China, agricultural Bank of China shares three rows and two banks and Bank-enterprise cooperation agreement, each up to billions of credit to Wanda. Analysts believe that even if WandaNow hold tens of billions of Yuan in cash, taking into account the subsequent expansion of the group, Wanda group, probably in the merger and acquisition loans for use in mergers and acquisitions. At the end of 2008, Wanda group, Wanda commercial real estate transfer to 90 million shares held by CCB International capital management (Tianjin) limited, 5% per cent of company shares, CCB International become a strategic shareholder of the company. The Wanda sets2009 second round raised zizhong, arm of CCB International, China Construction Bank managed funds shares more than institutions such as Wanda. Analysts believe that the Bank behind the CCB International, it is possible to be this huge merger behind the Gold master. In addition to domestic banks might be behind Wanda "Gold master", the banks also may have been involved in this large mergers and acquisitions.After the AMC held by some private equity firms, including the Apollo Investment Fund, JPMorgan partners, Bain Capital, the Carlyle Group Diablo 3 CD-KEY, and so on. Wanda mergers and acquisitions matters mainly during the early talks with JPMorgan partners and Apollo Investment Fund. People familiar with the matter said, they obtained significant profits through the sale of the company.Data show that AMC is the 2006 AMC Entertainment Inc. and Loews Cineplex Entertainment Corp. was born after the merger. In 2004 attempt to merge two theater companies fail, then become acquired object. One led by Bain Capital,Also include the Carlyle Group Consortium, and Spectrum Equity acquired Loews in June 2004 with a price of us $ 1.5 billion. A month later, Apollo and was founded as subsidiary of JPMorgan private equity firm CCMP to price of us $ 1.67 billion privatization of the AMC Entertainment. From 2005-year around, AMC began attempts to enter the capital market, but repeatedly failed for various reasons. In 2011, the third listed was not successful at the same time, a loss in AMC. In 2010, the Wanda and JPMorgan Chase to buy AMC contacts to a smooth transaction, it is learned that the banks profit from this transaction is notLess. However, it still ignores the Investment Bank and the other sources of profit. According to the financial sector to the real estate new media, have heard that several investment banking of JPMorgan Chase has both the identity of the sellers TERA Power Leveling, at the same time play the role of Wanda organization funds. It says another Department is in charge of investment banks to lend up to the investment community said, this deals Wanda,Sources of financing should be typical of the "external credit" form. Guarantees with domestic assets, foreign loans. It speculated that at the press conference there is not necessarily a direct borrowing from the banks to the Wanda for the acquisition, but Wanda in most of these banks have higher credit lines, and Wanda also requires these domestic bank credit guarantees for dollar loans�� "Also, million up square although many are has mortgage to Bank has, but zhiqian mortgage Shi of valuation and now property appreciation zhihou of valuation middle is has gap of, and these assets value-added part actually also can with Investment Bank do mortgage loan of", above people said, due to has domestic property and the bank credit for guarantees, this borrowing is foreign investment bank by love of, after all risk not,Wanda, interest will not be too high. "However, JPMorgan Chase is a conflict of interest in the deal. One hand is AMC's former major shareholder, sellers in the transaction, on the other hand there are also other departments in providing funds for Wanda, Wanda earned matching fee. In this case, JPMorgan's arrangements are easily unfair. "These people continued.Leverage quartered in the domestic media are almost overwhelming the sound of applause, AMC the future can bring big returns to Wanda remains a worrying problem. Some analysts said, "may also be Wanda wants to buy United States assets to obtain new loans, cash flow. "If the theories about the set up, AMC can provide enough cash for WandaIs a problem worthy of consideration. After all, these aspect of the Western business community for decades and JPMorgan Chase "bloodthirsty Investment Bank" compared to Wanda abroad at the beginning only the slightly tender in the international capital markets. And in 2004 became major shareholders of AMC road to start listing immediately after JP Morgan objective is very clear, that is obtained through IPO enough in return,But clearly listed the AMC seems to have failed for the third time allow it to IPO financing of lost confidence and 2011 loss of more than 80 million dollars in investment banking as the AMC is a hot potato that will not make money. At the same time, United States theater meagre profits may also allow investment banks to investment requirements has always been quite high on AMC's future is no longer sent to thickLooking and looking for a suitable took over as a natural thing. However, up to nearly $ 3 billion of transaction amount not too many businesses affordable, anxious for global expansion of Wanda in culture industry just needs an opportunity. However, if even the astute investment banking behemoths that are not successful in this business, thenNot to set foot in United States Wang Jianlin for their confidence in the rules of the game from where it is worth thinking about. After all, judging from past history, Wanda has twice dealing with foreign giants, one Warner, one of Wal-Mart, but ended in failure. The other hand, even in the real estate industry over the past few years a number of enterprises dealing with investment banks are not pleasant. 2008 years, bi Gui Yuan swap agreement with Merrill Lynch, float $ 440 million, although the last tilting pan, but this message still makes financial term from outside of the country garden trust. In early 2008, the forced termination of listing of evergrande bet agreement with several investment banks, evergrande project equity is also part of the mortgage and then secondary listings become a solitary note evergrandeThrow a huge gamble, although the last was listed on, but its Chairman Xu jiayin in May 2010 as well as from private Pocket produced 1.2 billion yuan, listed shares with the investment banking compensation agreement before placing orders. In early 2009, previously signed with the Bank's high interest rate debt, green city Fund came close to breaking the chain, the company almost collapsed. The most tragic is the Guangzhou roomProsperity enterprise in China, in a gambling agreement with Goldman Sachs in 2008 after a full-blown financial crisis, prosperity in order to pay off his debts had to dispose of assets in the hands of China, such as Sun Yat-Sen plots out to Olympic Park, and its prominent commercial properties in Guangzhou China Plaza is also a long lease to the sea-Indian shares. Although not assert that Wanda will follow step of these enterprises, but in the European debt crisis continuesInternational financial environment has not improved, domestic economic conditions and be alert to appear time and again the "hard landing" case, Wanda's huge investment risk level is not really low. For the high speed development of Wanda, stable and smooth channel for cash has been a key to their healthy development, if funds affect the chain, established by Wang Jianlin "Wanda" have collapsed at any time the windInsurance. Analysts have said: "Wanda group was started in real estate, they want to loan to the Bank, but now the real estate policy tightening Rift CD-key, capital chain has its own problems. And Wanda cinema development was limited, it relies on Wanda commercial real estate, cannot be stationed in other malls, but Wanda shopping district to expand farther now, many shopping centres have been built into the suburbs, Which means that the cinema has become increasingly marginalized. "" Marginal "what is supporting the cinema of the real estate industry, also is to trump up a Countercharge against one ' s acuser real estate business, perhaps after a period of time, will become clear. Recommended topics: Wanda acquisition United States second compound line AMC recommended reading: up to $ 2.6 billion merger accelerate the strategic transformation of the AMC group "Wanda groupStrategy of substantive step forward, or will become the world's largest cinema operator. "Wanda in the press releases sent to media comment. AMC said company CEO Gerry Lopez attended the signing ceremony, and Wanda's cooperation will bring greater returns to AMC. 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