
do not say your not. The Beijing News Diablo 3 power leveling do not say your not. The Beijing New

129823422088281250_131Second quarter of the tongue on the Chinese ' Iceman ' "snack" as the protagonist The tongue on the poster in China. Beijing News reported on May 24 on Tuesday of the tongue on the Chinese CCTV a perfect ' Iceman ', and continued in the CCTV replay. The film sparked a round of "appetite shocks" while in the program also fully floating on red, over a time period before TV program 30%. Yesterday, the CCTV recording channel Director Liu Wen, on the tongueDirector Chen Xiaoqing, China accepted an exclusive interview with this reporter. Liu Wen says, on the tip of China will start shooting at the end of the second quarter, which has extensive mass Foundation's "snack" may become the protagonist in the film. Why popular not only about food but also tell a story when it comes to the popularity of the tongue on the China, CCTV recording channel Director Liu Wen told journalists, largelyOn two conditions: first record channel set up, increased local realities subject types, and before that, history, humanities class documentaries are the most common types of domestic documentary; the second was founded April 16 CCTV of the charisma records, best time, the platform used for CCTV broadcasting documentaries. The tongue on China is seen as one "across the screenSmell the aroma of "documentaries, also attracted a lot of" cargo ". But Liu Wen believes that the tongue on China and just dip the food, "food program there are many, but (the) no one emotion and wisdom". In the eyes of Liu Wen Rift Platinum, the tongue on China should be considered "social class" documentaries, which not only the food Diablo 3 power leveling, there are people, stories, "Living culture ". Common people perspectives grounded in addition, everyone thought before the documentary is a high-end, niche preference, but can do a documentary was very popular, "from a professional perspective, the tongue on the China is the record fastest shot up, rhythm channel original works, the amount of maximum films. From a content point of view, movie or select dishes, chef, expertSome perspective, but to plunge from the perspective of ordinary people, has become a good nostalgia movie, or even attract a lot of young audience, make them taste recalled his childhood home. "For this film was everybody's favorite, Director Chen Xiaoqing is considered to be" theme grounded air, subject to please the audience. " In addition, Chen Xiaoqing said, "IShooting team is very professional. Especially Executive Director Ren Changzhen and her crew of long-term cooperation, established in style, choice of narrative and instrumental rhythm settings. " Director Chen Xiaoqing answering questions: will care more in the second quarter after the local broadcast of the tongue on the Chinese audience on the film has raised many questions, such as shootingContent is concentrated in a few provinces, dubbed so that people feel a sense of oppression, those masters of the story is how to find, to answers to this Director Chen Xiaoqing one by one. Beijing News screen of the selected Visual impact: this set of 7 documentaries we feel uneven, like you set like tofu set, don't like the kitchen set. Do you have a preference?Chen Xiaoqing: 7 sets I like, on audience preferences are different is normal. Program on the fourth episode of the best kitchen secrets. The Beijing News: it seems to take a more concentrated in the North-East SWTOR CD-key, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Yunnan, a few places? Chen Xiaoqing: because of inadequate research time, for the integrity of the traditional culture, beautiful people of rich, natural color,Party is a bit biased. From the finalized, is Yunnan and Zhejiang share was too much. But that's just the first quarter, will take care to more places in the second quarter. The Beijing News: select the hero in the film are very interesting, such as TV makeup, the elderly in Hong Kong, is how to find? Chen Xiaoqing: Hero of choice was also reported, mainly foodRoad, looking for clues on the media, by the Executive Director and research team to discuss, actual implementation. The Beijing News: starting point of relatively exotic, such as seaweed that set, there are viewers say Laver is the best known of his home in Fujian, but instead of avoiding them in the most famous? Chen Xiaoqing: because in xiapu County, the scenery too shocked, we see almost a spot�� Television screen for the selected Visual impact. If you just said to eat, not so good on the Visual. Looking for Jiang Wen do dubbing Beijing News: now on the film copy of the responses are more polarized, some people feel very literary, and some people feel a little provocative, per set and finally to increase the theme. Chen Xiaoqing: this is my mistake, should finally find someoneTo check. Thought the film a narrow niche, but now look at literature for the general public, a little "literature and art", Wen Qing "stories magazine". Early if full, the copy is not out of the question, story, copy won't have to say, but is not in place, then took so many stories, do not say your not. The Beijing News: some people also feel that dubbingSound some "pressure". Chen Xiaoqing: Dub been said well, says Special like the sound, when I was looking for a sound is his universality. Can I speak to Li Yi, he basically records channel advocacy, his voice cold and firm, but there is no curiosity. Li Lihong plasticity of sounds good, and he is very professional, a few words over distribution�� We also contacted Jiang Wen (click to see Jiang Wen film and video of the River East), mainly his time issue, impossible to edit out his match. When fried bamboo shoots is regretted Beijing News: documentary food classes abroad has always been, why now that we shoot the documentary of the first culinary class? Chen Xiaoqing: there is no previous record channels, whichA State cannot, without adequate funding, not good, just a little bit of money, work in practice. Now have a good idea, can guarantee the quality of shooting, you can get support. The Beijing News: as a food-lover, do you think the film will meet your needs? Chen Xiaoqing: this film is not to shoot myself, luzhu fire I personal like, but not too healthy,No performance. Not to personal style into the mass media. The Beijing News: Shen Hongfei and Chua Lam as a food consultant, what to do? Chen Xiaoqing: both of them and my ten years of cooperation, perspective on the food is very consistent. Chua Lam would like to do fun fun, this conflict we have, we cannot simply walk, do not see the trace of human life�� Shen Hongfei planning provides perspective, taking samples, final draft. I'm not actually experienced cargo, people who need to get a check, there is a fried bamboo shoots as problem, is a pity. Scold shooting footage there is no way to count, a large number of digital recording, hard drive information. The film's shooting team more than 30 people. Locations up to 60,Added early research in nearly 100. Shooting cycle for up to six months. Others:

