
rift plat they do not obey regime orders - NKU

129746220020412500_5Reference News Network reported on February 24 foreign media said last year Libya at the start of the intifada he defected to Malta's two jet fighters swtor credits, 22nd returned to the motherland, on both sides of the fuselage was painted in the colors of the flag of the new regime. According to United States the Defense News weekly Web site reported tsw gold, driving the two "real" fighter was also pilot-before-aliyale-spreading and canthaxanthinDula·salexin. In February 2011, they do not obey regime orders, refused to bomb Benghazi, civilians, and took the plane down to Malta.  Libya during the unrest and two pilots in Malta are protected.  Patterns on the aircraft was replaced with a new Libya independence flag. On February 21, Malta Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi at the airport's instrumentOn the style, fighters returned to the two pilots.  Due to the weather, aircraft in this compact Island stay for a day, the country in Libya have played an important humanitarian role during the civil war. Two pilots flying in Malta over the performance, flying at low altitude rift plat, then roared off.

