
aoc gold reporter Li Zengwei - FIV

129748908734375000_99 <a href="http://www.levelingpower.com/age-of-conan/gold">aoc gold</a>People's network Warsaw, February 27 (reporter Li Zengwei) Poland media reports, 26th Poznan police on suspicion of illegal sales count of industrial waste salt to meat processing plants, arrested 5 Poland people. Poland the preliminary results of the investigation by the police, these 5 suspects since 1999, in the name of edible salt sold illegally to Poland's meatFood processing plant industrial waste salt sales, resulting in thousands of tons a year use this salt processing of meat products into Poland market. Poznan introduction to public prosecutor's Office spokeswoman Magdalena 26th, prosecutors ' Office of these 5 people have been formally arrested, they were accused of offences against humanity, is added to the food health and even the lives of materials. Prosecutors allege swtor credits, these 5 people 1A dozen years for 999 years, respectively, from the same Poland industrial waste salt company purchased salt for chemical and energy industries, and even salt for winter road maintenance, then posed as edible salt sold to Poland some of the meat processing plant, resulting in thousands of tons a year use this salt processing of meat products into Poland market. It is understood that Poland non-edible salt on the market is the price of each140 a tonne Zloty tsw gold, while the price of edible salt is 440 zlotys per tonne. (Editor: Huang Weijun)

