
Taiwan NT dollar appreciation in 1990

Taiwan NT dollar appreciation in 1990, caused the stock market bubble burst, the situation is quite different: a rapid decline in Taiwan's real estate, fell nearly 3 years, the stock market fell from 1.2 million points over 2000 points; real estate only down about 35% , because the Chinese "Home Ownership", "homes" of the national identity, real estate prices do not go on this fall, and then Taiwan's economy in the real estate driven, they began to become active again, I gradually came out of the doldrums, things were better than that of Japan much more. Although China's current real estate market when the smell down, but overall a low runescape power leveling, are marking time, although in December 2008 the turnover has been larger, but mainly the Chinese New Year, new taxes (deed) offers relief caused by . National housing prices in 70 major cities fell by 0.9%, down 16.5% in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, down 9%. Vance has again taken the lead down in price. Number of city mayors said they would not raise the real estate market price.


In December, prices in many cities were once stabilized volume mounting signs. But most people still wait and see. First, a few years ago a person bought a few suites are mostly taken a fancy house prices will rise aion power leveling, such as the edge of Hangzhou Qiantang River Housing, from 7000-8000 Yuan rose to 1.3-1.5 million people he is going up high re-sale. However, if there is no such forecast the medium-term trend, it is not dares to buy, after all, bought the lease, the rent is not worth the majority of bank loans, mortgages (this is crucial). Video: Iran and opposition divide grows here is a rundown of the latest social media trends that CNN has compiled: What it is: A microblogging social network sensation that has taken the world by storm 140 characters at a time. Why Google should buy it: With more than 60 million unique users a month, Twitter is one of the most popular and fastest growing social networks on the Web, according to comScore. Google's first foray into social networking, Orkut, didn't exactly take off, and its newest attempt, Google Wave, hasn't yet won over skeptics. Social network users spend more time online than the average Web user, and Google's advertising partners are keen to take advantage. Second, most middle-income or wealthy residents to have room for more than two sets of. Third, a large number of cities in recent years, college students, and migrant workers are the number of years cannot afford room. Fourth, people's economic expectations are not good, not worry about wage increases, and they dare not rashly buy a house mortgage for 30 years.


However, as college students, have the influx of migrant workers in aoc power leveling, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other large cities, the demand is rigid; in addition, local governments do not want to mind the real estate down, otherwise, the auction of land as the main source of local fiscal revenue "land finance" will be destroyed. Therefore, the real estate market is out here wandering, neither slump like Japan all the way, no way in the end, like Taiwan, the Ministry, it is group-buying auction. In addition, from an overall point of view, "affordable housing" policy, in fact totally unsuitable for China's national conditions, which upset the market and the global information, send a strange message to the people, subjective desire is good, in fact not very useful, or even negative Them.

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